Different types of alcohol and its after effects


I'm kind of a newb to drinking, and I'm just wondering, depending on what you drink, is the hang over any worse or better in the morning (for example rum vs. beer)?
And this just came up because usually I drink hard liquor and I'm fine, but the other night I had a bunch of beers and I woke up and shat + puked at the same time.
It all depends on your body and what you can take. Shitty low end alcohol of all types is more likely to get you sick and/or a hangover.
I'm assuming you drink enough to get to the same level of drunkeness with all of these.

Beer is generally pretty bad. It dehydrates you. I actually saw a test on TV where people that drank beer urinated more liquid than they consumed, meaning the beer was actually taking water out of the people.

Wine, especially red, can be bad.

Rum is pretty bad for hangovers generally because it is full of sugar, not to mention you usually mix it with sugar filled drinks.

scotch/rye/whisky are I would say middle of the road, not pure but not too bad.

vodka, good vodka anyway, is the most pure of the popular spirits, followed closely by gin. The three best drinks I have found that will get you wasted sans hangover: mix either vodka or gin with soda, gatorade, or acai. I like mixing them strong (doubles with packed ice), some people don't.

Apparently if you get really good saki you can drink as much as you want and not get a hangover. I have yet to find this saki though.
I've never puked from just beer and have drank upwards of a case in a night. I did, however, pass out with my pants down outside.
the best thing possible would be to mix all three types together. wine/beer/shots of some sort, that way your body will adapt quicker and you'll never get hangovers. the first time you have to kind of go overboard and drink more than you'd think. try it and report back
hangover severity depends on how many Emergen-C packets you slam before you go to sleep ;-)

something else: Pedialyte (it's a children's rehydration drink usually for diarrhea and vomiting).
I'm assuming you drink enough to get to the same level of drunkeness with all of these.

Beer is generally pretty bad. It dehydrates you. I actually saw a test on TV where people that drank beer urinated more liquid than they consumed, meaning the beer was actually taking water out of the people.

Wine, especially red, can be bad.

Rum is pretty bad for hangovers generally because it is full of sugar, not to mention you usually mix it with sugar filled drinks.

scotch/rye/whisky are I would say middle of the road, not pure but not too bad.

vodka, good vodka anyway, is the most pure of the popular spirits, followed closely by gin. The three best drinks I have found that will get you wasted sans hangover: mix either vodka or gin with soda, gatorade, or acai. I like mixing them strong (doubles with packed ice), some people don't.

Apparently if you get really good saki you can drink as much as you want and not get a hangover. I have yet to find this saki though.
wise words
alcohol, water, alcohol, water, alcohol, water = less hungover

White/clear drinks (absolut, skyy, smirnoff, anything vodka) will do make for a heady buzz.

Brown/dark drinks (Jack, Jaegar, Crown) will make a more tired "lower" buzz. By lower I mean more of your body feels it.

Granted alcohol can do different things per person, so figure out what you like and go with that.

NEVER mix them unless you want to lose your ass, stomach and head in a bout of wills over who gets to be the open hole and get fucked.

They ALL lead to hangovers if you have too much alcohol and not enough water. The headache is caused by a lack of body hydration, refer to my first line.
Guys, I'm kinda new to sex and I'm wonder what the after effects are and if and can get hte aids from touching a breast...please help.

Dude drink up and find out for yourself.