Did you knew? Neurological evidence that "God's will" is bullshit

I only need to point to your argument concerning pedophilia as the basis for my belief
That would suggest to me that you misunderstood my argument, because the only argument I made, I also backed up with peer-reviewed science.

But you're welcome to bump one of the other threads if you want to discuss that particular topic further.
That would suggest to me that you misunderstood my argument, because the only argument I made, I also backed up with peer-reviewed science.

But you're welcome to bump one of the other threads if you want to discuss that particular topic further.

yes, everyone agrees that you are a closet pedo who wont act on it based upon the empirical evidence of your posts


It's no different than keeping a positive attitude, or working on being goal-oriented and motivated in life. People dedicate themselves to all sorts of shit in pursuit of that kind of positivity. Motivational speaking, books, yoga, meditation, etc. Prayer is the same. It almost certainly does make things better for the individual, just not for the reason they think.

I couldn't disagree more. Religion poisons everything.

Most religious people purposefully avoid and dismiss scientific facts because a bronze age book written by men who couldn't possibly understand the world around them decided, with unequivication, what law and morality looked like.

Religion is absurd, and should be treated with contempt and ridicule. It has held back humanity and reason for a millennia, and then some.

All religion, I'm any form, is a cancer. It tells man we can't be moral without it. That we should love a god that we must also fear. The essence of pseudo masicisism and the essence of being an abject slave.
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I couldn't disagree more. Religion poisons everything.

Most religious people purposefully avoid and dismiss scientific facts because a bronze age book written by men who couldn't possibly understand the world around them decided, with unequivication, what law and morality looked like.

Religion is absurd, and should be treated with contempt and ridicule. It has held back humanity and reason for a millennia, and then some.

o okay satan
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Plot twist: We are gods.

John 10:34

EDIT: Also consider the following.

It is obvious, however, that the mind, which is forever creating, is actually forever borrowing from something that it does not understand. It is using life without knowing what life is. It is calling upon resources that existed before it existed. And how these resources came, and what they are, and what they were intended for, mind does not really know.

The White Bird of Tao - Manly P. Hall
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i agree with everyone saying we're gods ourselves. we have the potential to be gods, we just haven't discovered it yet. just wait.
I couldn't disagree more. Religion poisons everything.

Most religious people purposefully avoid and dismiss scientific facts because a bronze age book written by men who couldn't possibly understand the world around them decided, with unequivication, what law and morality looked like.

Religion is absurd, and should be treated with contempt and ridicule. It has held back humanity and reason for a millennia, and then some.

All religion, I'm any form, is a cancer. It tells man we can't be moral without it. That we should love a god that we must also fear. The essence of pseudo masicisism and the essence of being an abject slave.
as much as i love shitting on religion, youve taken it to the retarded extreme as usual
so, when people quote passages from the bible does that give us the right to quote like all the passages?

again it goes back to whether the bible is meant to be taken literally or allegory

also why is the bible more true than other religions' texts?
I couldn't disagree more. Religion poisons everything.

Most religious people purposefully avoid and dismiss scientific facts because a bronze age book written by men who couldn't possibly understand the world around them decided, with unequivication, what law and morality looked like.

Religion is absurd, and should be treated with contempt and ridicule. It has held back humanity and reason for a millennia, and then some.

All religion, I'm any form, is a cancer. It tells man we can't be moral without it. That we should love a god that we must also fear. The essence of pseudo masicisism and the essence of being an abject slave.
You're equating religion to the Abrahamic religions here. I could conceive of perfectly harmless religions. Of course, those tend to be completely useless and die out as they're overtaken by the more aggressive ones that you're talking about.

But what you say applies equally to scientology, for instance, and that's definitely not a religion created by bronze age men who couldn't understand how the world works.
That we should love a god that we must also fear.
So you have a problem with the Jewish God.

That is... good to know.

I believe in Gods - plural.

Red light God, traffic God, people waiting for a STOP sign to turn green God. These are but a few of the Gods that have it out for me. I think I pissed off a God who then called the other Gods to make daily life difficult. Can't figure out which God it was but whatever I did, it's pissed off.