Deleted T:A conversion thread

it doesn't work that way. if hirez has the right to ask us to remove it, it's because that right is granted by law, otherwise there would be no reason to listen to them. thus, if they have the right to ask us to remove it, that means we were violating their rights in the first place. or in other words, DOING SOMETHING ILLEGAL.

there is an NDA for this game that is still in effect until HiRez lifts it, which they've said they won't do until open beta starts. so much shit has gone so fucked up for them over the past couple of weeks (as far as NDA violations), that if the game bombs they'll be able to blame all kinds of shit on the fact that the NDA was violated by so many people. if they are the type to sue, they'll have to go for something more concrete, as attacking the nebulous user-base that spans across the entire internet is impossible. so, instead of going after the people who did the violating, they'll go after the sites that provided forum for the discussion. this is how the RIAA and MPAA go after torrent sites, so there is plenty of precedent.

but whatever right? i'm probably just being stupid and paranoid.

i agree with that last thing you said


i understand the urge to err on the side of caution though
and then there is the agreement with brandonm of branzone that no warez be posted here. i don't know if links to warez are explicitly banned here, but you never see them anywhere on these forums for a reason.

edit: because no one took action in the pass doesn't mean they won't in the future. it's not a good idea to assume all dogs are safe because you've never been bitten by one.

theres no warez posted

those are .dts models for tribes 1
distribution of digital, copyrighted material. if warez isn't the word for it, it doesn't change the fact that is illegal. and if you think links are aren't anything to worry about, read up on oink and piratebay.
pretending assumptions are facts is always a good idea. so is pretending there is no limit to how much someone will allow themselves to be wronged. i stand corrected.

and i'm supposed to be the one with aspergers? :lol:
and he said he doesnt have the alpha or beta

he rendered them from scratch for t1 please visit any counter strike or any other game where custom models are made to represent pretty much everything in pop culture
i was gonna make a disc launcher that fired cans of Coke but i was too worried about Coca Cola taking me to court
and he said he doesnt have the alpha or beta

he rendered them from scratch for t1
obviously bullshit. even if he eyeballed the model, it's the exact same texture. if he created it all himself, then that does change things.

@groove: the difference here is the likelihood of getting caught. coca-cola has bigger fish to fry. hirez may have no bigger fish to fry than a place like TW, which is probably one of the best places to get your NDA violating info. and its stupid to think that there is no difference between talking about how much the sliding sucks and why it sucks, and outright ripping and converting game files for use in another game. youre testing the waters when you break nda and critique the game. you're jumping right in without caution when you start ripping in-game elements and putting them up for all to use anyway that they like. hirez has to draw the line somewhere, or it will be impossible for them to make a dime, and it seems like drawing the line at allowing in-game art elements to be stolen would be pretty reasonable.
and btw, TA hit torrent sites awhile, complete with a hacked exe to run the game without hi-command. i know this because i have the .exe, which was sent to me so that i could play 1 v 1 with someone without needing to go through hirez's auth servers.

he's not an alpha or beta tester, but he ripped those models and textures.
Hey scuzzle, lets play a new game. try to find every thread on this forum where I post this image and delete it:


What texture set is this?