*delete* feature for TW account?

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This is off topic but since everyone is checking this and it doesn't warrant a new thread... should I get cuban food or kfc for dinner? And why is it that they separate the rice and beans when they bring it to me at the cuban restaurant?
AdreNaLiNe said:
You know...I put in the request. You're asking me the question? Did I at any point ask that my original request be rescinded? You said it was too much of a pain to go in and delete, and I said "ok, up to you." Durak really is the biggest faggot on here. Can't deny everyone telling me this either. :)

Later noob
cuban food def

and btw, I hope this turns into one of those cop drama's where one cop is fired and the rest turn in their badges....

...then the building catches fire and tw servers explode
Can I request a thread summary? I don't have time to read 21 pages of e-nerd 5150 drama. I know TRD whined that Rayn posted in the Vir thread. Then Adren started to post to defend TRD. Then what....
I think the most confusing part of this whole thread, and I apologize ahead of time to those involved is:

oDDable + Vlasic = Cool
Durak + Vlasic = not cool

But oDDable and Durak were in my first T2 tribe together and I like Vlasic. :eek:

Oh, something else, I'm fucking tired of all you supposed "Tribes Vets" who call it a fucking clan, it was a fucking TRIBE. Bitches. :D
DruMAX said:
TRD posts here asking to have his nick removed (to cause drama because he could have asked this in private)...people flame

Adren comes in to support TRD and asks the same thing bashing TW

More flaming...

We chat about mcdonalds and what we like best on the menu, remind them that TW has always been a cesspool of racism, trolls and egos...just with less tribes these days...and more of other games and general chat...adren keeps posting...

Some T2 drama starts up for a bit

then adrens account is removed....

Then you came in.
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