[Deftones fans]

abe cunningham is consistently the most impressive part of that band

white pony is entirely fantastic
Deftones is easily one of my favorite bands.

i met them once and smoked a joint in chinos hotel room with them.
Deftones interview // Interviews // Features // Lambgoat
Interesting interview from 2006 with guitarist Stef Carpenter.

Last question, and this is kind of an important one, and I'm going to give you the option to jump out of it. Are you seriously able to smoke half an ounce of pot in a day?

If I had to, I probably could, but no, I don't normally. Nor would I try to.

Somebody told me that you regularly smoke a half an ounce a day.

No, I heard that from somebody recently too, and I laughed. I was like, "are you kidding me?" I'm saying, it's not impossible to do, I'm just saying I don't.

It's very difficult.

I may have done it once or twice, but it's not a regular event by any means. That's just plain too much.
...If, I say...in a day maybe, two or three grams. Not a lot.

I havn't heard too much of their newer material. I usually only like a select few on each album, and by like I mean fucking love.