Dead Space 2 Demo Now Available!


Veteran XV
Dead Space


Sequel to one of my fav games ever. Word around the net is its just as scary as the first! WOOOO!! Can't wait to go home and try it!
I spoke to some developers at PAX and they said they're shifting from survival horror to action horror. I for one really hope it's subtle because the only thing that has ever frightened me in horror games is running low of ammo/health and never the monsters or suspense.
The thing with dead space 1 was it balanced everything so perfectly. You had to play the game in surround sound to appreciate the work they put in it. The sound was just amazing. It had the right amount of tension/suspense and the time frame between monster attacks and shit was just perfect. Also they managed to surprise me every single time. It's the only game where I actually screamed OH SHIT at the tv.
First one didn't get enough love. Got overshadowed by a lot of bigger titles. I'm pleasantly surprised it got a sequel.
First one was the same shit level after level. all you did was try and fix shit and then OH NOES SOMETHING ELSE HAPPENS then you gotta fix more shit before you can fix the original shit.

Anyone remember the old PS1 Capcom game where you were an asian girl with red hair and you shot dinosaurs in a space station?
I loved Dead Space. I picked it up on a total whim when my Wife was out of town for the weekend and I was bored, and it turned out to be one of my top 10 games ever. So much atmosphere and really filled the void left by System Shock / SS2 all those years ago...

So glad they made a sequel; I will totally be picking this up in 2011.
is it gonna be ported to PC I know ds2 was console only last time I checked
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