Current news thread

The unexplained rise in excess deaths around the world

The unexplained rise in excess deaths around the world
This phenomenon requires an urgent inquiry and research into the actual causes

Murray Hunter
Jul 6


Since the beginning of 2022, there has been a significant rise in excess deaths. Covid-19 has made up only a small percentage of these excess deaths. Excess deaths is a measurement of the number of deaths from all causes above what we would expect, based upon a five year rolling average. The mainstream media is not carrying this story, even though this is a major concern to public health.

As an example, according to Our World in Data excess mortality for the week ending June 19 in New Zealand was 205 above the average for the same time between 2015-2019, before the pandemic. This is not just exclusive to New Zealand, where the United Kingdom was 15% above the average, in Germany 12%. In early weeks the excess averages were even higher in many countries.

However, if one looks at UK statistics to the week June 24, Covid deaths were 309, only 2.8% of 12,278 deaths for the week. Out of that figure 1,308 were excess non-Covid related deaths. UK government statistical data also tells us that 31.5% of excess deaths occurred at home, 12.1% in hospitals, 10.3% in care homes, and 10.1% in other settings.

This rise in excess deaths is not exclusive to the countries mentioned above.

There needs to be an urgent investigation into the rise in excess deaths around the world. At this point of time, it is unknown what the precise reasons for these deaths really are.

Some of the possible reasons could be;

· Stress from the lockdowns and restrictions (often the health effects are delayed),

· Suicides,

· Lack of access to healthcare during the pandemic, where people weren’t being diagnosed for diseases,

· Delays in the treatment of non-Covid diseases,

· Stress from the current food and inflation crisis,

· Long term effects from Covid that haven’t been picked up by research, for example increase in the risk of heart attacks and strokes,

· Vaccinations,

· Increasing autoimmune diseases, and/or

· New medicines utilized for the treatment of Covid.

During the pandemic we saw headlines and graphic pictures portraying a single Covid related death. However, now statistics are showing up an unusual bump up in the number of excess deaths, this is hardly reported.

This lesson to public health authorities here is that there are other risks to public health than Covid-19.

Rising excess death rates around the world is a matter of concern, particularly in this endemic period. Public health authorities must urgently sanction studies into this issue. If these deaths have occurred from latent effects of lockdowns and restrictions, this must be known for future public policy.

The statistics indicate that this has gone much further than anecdotal reports of people dying suddenly.
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i tell you what
i was looking forward to a nice nursing home
but I'm pretty turned off at this point
I for one
am looking forward to chipless cars
and maybe it will slow down the march to chipped people
oh it can be inferred....from someone that's an idiot....but that's not what he's actually referring to.
Well, he's clearly not making an official statement about the internment camps' ethnic ratio, but he is clearly inferring that the "sub-human types" in the camps aren't kikes, but other similarly degenerate types. That's how inference works. You're welcome.

Also love how they're called internment camps. It's funny how accurate it is before the commie kikes brainwashed everyone into thinking (well, forced) they were "DEATH CAMPS." :lol:
Well, he's clearly not making an official statement about the internment camps' ethnic ratio, but he is clearly inferring that the "sub-human types"

No...he's really not. He's saying the opposite really. You have to read a little bit further and see the context in which this discussion is happening. When patton made this statement, he was in charge of camps for displaced persons. He's saying that the jews in the displaced person camps "have no conception of sanitation, hygiene or decency and are, as you know, the same sub-human types (of jews) that we saw in the internment camps"

He's saying that the jews that are in the displaced person's camps are pretty much the same as the 'subhuman' jews they saw in the internment camps.

Protip: Internment camps don't have rows of ovens for burning bodies, gas chambers and mass graves.
I for one
am looking forward to chipless cars
and maybe it will slow down the march to chipped people

I'm pretty sure someone can come up with a work around to the chip shortage..... like o, i dunno, maybe not filling the car with 15 different computer modules.

Just use some modules sparingly, just fuel injection and ABS would be nice. Everything else in the car can go back to relays and fuses.

Car manufacturing price is reduced, the chips are minimized, and everyone is happy.
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Why does anyone care about the monarchy anymore?

They're pampered state welfare babies. Off with their heads!

I have been watching the news on this the last couple days and apparently that is the general consensus for the territories that are remote from the UK. places like Barbados are trying to break away from the crown but still want benefits of being part of the commonwealth
The British Monarchy costs taxpayers 110 million annually to maintain.

In turn, the Monarchy generates 1.7 billion in revenue for the British economy.

The British Monarchy costs taxpayers 110 million annually to maintain.

In turn, the Monarchy generates 1.7 billion in revenue for the British economy.


If only we had this kind of hard data about monarchy's brand value in the era of King George III from a brand value consultancy based in London, we might not have even needed the American Revolution
The British Monarchy costs taxpayers 110 million annually to maintain.

In turn, the Monarchy generates 1.7 billion in revenue for the British economy.


well shit man, that does it for me

let's make Trump king of the US then
Hitchhiker's Guide nailed it with Zaphod Beeblebrox.
Zaphod is said to be "clever, imaginative, irresponsible, untrustworthy, extrovert, nothing you couldn't have guessed." As President of the Galaxy, his responsibility in that position was to draw attention away from the true rulers of the universe. To that end, Zaphod and his outrageous behaviour were highly successful.