
P1aGu3 said:
They shouldnt ... its a very important word with many meanings, not the least of which is "female vagina"

Dont forget, a cunt is also a type of statue (look it up)
Cunt is a fantastic word. Also when I yell at my dogs, I calll them fucking cunts. I don't know why I say it so much, but I do.
yeah, from what I've known, the women hate that one

if you use it you're basically considered a dirty motherfucker by some women. but others will encourage you to use it while you plunder their anuses
Animal said:
yeah, from what I've known, the women hate that one

if you use it you're basically considered a dirty motherfucker by some women. but others will encourage you to use it while you plunder their anuses
You filthy, stinking, fucking, whoring, skanky, scab infested, mongoloid, cock sucking, aids ridden, crotch rotton, lard assed, trolling, bitching, slutty, emo, motherfucking, cuntrag
I have a cunt of Beethoven on my piano.

Just doesn't sound right ... at all.

I'm more of a "bust" man myself.
I have a bust of Beethoven on my piano.

Now that sound's right. :)
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Peter Cook and Dudley Moore do an awesome "Cunt". Really.. "Derek and Clive".. awesome comedy :)

It was also an (unofficial) objective given by my (female) boss to one of my (female) co-workers to use the word 'cunt' more. She's just too nice, you need to be a bastard sometimes in this job.
I've said cunt so much that I've totally desenitized it, and removed all sexual meaning from the word.

Now "pussy" is another matter entirely. I hate that word.