Crazy Old Bernie Sanders

i am a fan of anyone that rocks the giant shit boat known as our political system right now.

green party....constitutional party....libertarian...fuck it I'll vote for em never see another Bush or Clinton in office again.

the only presidential debates i will watch are the third party ones.

at worst it should be people like Dennis Kucinich vs. Ron Paul....Not Mittens Rmoney vs. Owebama...McStain...Or John fuckin Kerry

batshit crazy > shitty corrupt

watching the dems and reps argue is beyond watching two idiots argue at themselves in the mirror.


omg...i'd bomb iran

no way...i'd bomb iran

lets both bomb iran...ok

now vote america
$15/hour minimum wage is a rare example of legislation providing too much of a good thing. There is a midway point between $7.25 and $15 which is actually pragmatic and beneficial to the economy at large.

If I recall correctly, Bernie never advocated for a specific dollar amount, only a "living wage". Additionally, he made the inarguable point that wage increases for the millions of Americans earning near minimum wage would be a gigantic boon for the economy because these are the people who actually pay their taxes. More income means more income tax to fill the fed's coffers. Republicans should like that. Minimum wage workers are not the type of people who are going to store their wealth in offshore tax havens, nor will they lower their effective tax rate through equities and other financial instruments.

The rich and super rich don't need the government's help anymore than they already have it. Helping the people who actually need help is ultimately the best prescription for the entire economy.
$15/hour minimum wage is a rare example of legislation providing too much of a good thing. There is a midway point between $7.25 and $15 which is actually pragmatic and beneficial to the economy at large.

If I recall correctly, Bernie never advocated for a specific dollar amount, only a "living wage". Additionally, he made the inarguable point that wage increases for the millions of Americans earning near minimum wage would be a gigantic boon for the economy because these are the people who actually pay their taxes. More income means more income tax to fill the fed's coffers. Republicans should like that. Minimum wage workers are not the type of people who are going to store their wealth in offshore tax havens, nor will they lower their effective tax rate through equities and other financial instruments.

The rich and super rich don't need the government's help anymore than they already have it. Helping the people who actually need help is ultimately the best prescription for the entire economy.

All fair points...

Another argument has been made that the primary reason we have only seen modest inflation (depending on what you measure), despite so much blatant government monetization attempts, be it TBTF bailouts..QE1,2,3,forever, is because so much of that money isn't circulating in the way you are advocating. The way Bernie is complaining about. A lot of it is staying inside the closed loop banking investment system.....or are staying in the hands of the ubber elite


Be it directly, or indirectly, since they do also own the overwhelming majority of all bonds, stocks, mutual funds, etc......

For most workers, real wages have barely budged for decades | Pew Research Center


obviously, despite all the spending, despite the amount of bond buying they push for, how high the stock market goes, the average person isn't seeing the benefits to most of this.

So I get where he is coming from. I totally do.

Rhode Island Governor Defends 2nd-Home 'Taylor Swift Tax'

I mean this cracks me up....we are right back to the gilded age

* the gilded age.... and some other fine mansions

same fucking state where the roaring 20's great gatsby mansions would sit.

if history keeps repeating itself, this wealth disparity keeps up, these debts and deficits keep going at the rates they are, something is going to eventually break.

so i'm always open to listening to ideas of how we should go about that....I'm just not sure how well the living wage debate is working out just yet.

so far it is driving up relative labor costs (which translates to higher product costs)....reducing the available jobs in the area (despite more people wanting a job in that area)....and a million other unintended consequences to go along with fueling the push to automate everything.

minimum wage laws already attributed to killing off ushers, shoe shiners, and many apprentice positions.....i wonder what this can do if we go too far with it. imo minimum wage should absolutely keep up with inflationary cpi stats...but that would require the government to honestly assess those figures. something it has no real interest in doing...for so many political reasons.

this could be a devils advocate argument position to this...that is all.
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Determining a pragmatic living minimum wage is just one example among many landmark decisions which need to be made in order to drag us out of shit we're in. Given enough time, I could easily come up with ten more. It's a good thing that the US doesn't need to answer financially to a coalition or worry about the word 'austerity'. The Greeks would look disciplined compared to us.

We're so fucked in the long-term with a do-nothing Congress. We have the ability to stop the bleeding, but in my humble opinion, Washington Republicans are deliberately and relentlessly ripping out the sutures. It is the antithesis of patriotism, and it is fueled by incalculable greed.

Sadly, there are very few politicians who seem anything less than complicit with the status quo. Bernie Sanders is one, Elizabeth Warren is another. These two people are true warriors who say what they mean and use their voice to work toward real progress. They use sound and reasoned logic to debate their opponents, the type which you rarely hear from the rest of the scum on either side of the aisle.

It doesn't seem like much to ask for, but I can only imagine what it would be like to have a congress which actually strives to enact truly bipartisan legislation. It's a goddamn fairy tale though, and it's a shame that the needle is only moving toward further division on capital hill. We're hopelessly fucked without a revolutionary leader.
i agree with you on many points

we are so beyond fucked

Paul Tudor Jones Warns This "Disastrous Market Mania" Will End "By Revolution, Taxes, Or War"

might as well just let american idol pick our next president at this really doesn't matter given how impossible it is for a real candidate to make it out of our primary system alive.

i would be happy to see a sanders/warren any form

I.O.U.S.A was oddly enough the first place I became familiar with Elizabeth Warren. I very much enjoyed her opinions on the debt issue in this country. Since she became a politician I feel that she has drifted away from a lot of her core curriculum, responsibilities, priorities, but when compared to say a Hillary Clinton the choice is a no brainer.

which implies there is no fucking chance in hell of her going anywhere.
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