coronary heart disease


I traded my soul for this title
Veteran XV
someone close to me was just diagnosed with this.. and i see that its the leading killer of people in the united states. its what this persons father died of a few years ago as well.

what does this mean ? anyone dealt with it before? i dont know anything about it

i guess what im looking for here is an estimate of how bad (relatively) this is and the POTENTIAL threat level (!!)
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so after reading wikipedia it still doesnt tell me what this means in terms of real life effects, ie what are the percentage chance of heart attack or death.
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I believe it's the failure of coronary circulation to supply adequate circulation to cardiac muscle and surrounding tissue but I could be wrong
i'm not surprised veor's friends and family are dropping like flies from heart attacks. maybe if you all weren't all obese southern pieces of shit you would live past 40.
Coronary heart disease treatment methods may include:

Angioplasty with stenting
Coronary artery bypass surgery
Minimally invasive heart surgery
Proper diet and exercise
Quitting smoking
this thread has been downgraded to threat level taupe


go about your normal lives.
Everyone posting in this thread has a degree of CHD.

Reduce your risk factors.

Kind regards