cool thread


Veteran XV

starsiege tribes should be like this:



teammates always green etc would b very cool

also i made this:

which is kinda cool u should watch in 720p
that was fun game

lukie returned a flag for us and grabbed where it seem like there is no possibility he was only person on ur side of map and i think u guys all d up

i get very fuked for disc kills there 2

red home d partner but he do okay but not many stops he put damage on ppl tho

worst was sleepy melting me with cg in .5 second so i can never keep flag in field etc that dood have very g00d cg
p sure lukie hit me with lucky disc & returned & grabbed @ the same time

something like that


the usual high res base skin with some mods

i fixed the leg issue and added the cool front stomach thing on the back as well
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[–]ben1105chainwhore/hitscan hero/etc 1 point 1 hour ago*
The mechanics are identical other than the minor amount of spread - which is just randomness and isn't "difficulty" - plus the T1 chaingun was far more powerful than anything we have in Ascend. It was only more "difficult" in that it was just as ping-dependent but getting a good connection in the 90s was hard.
In both games, it always took more skill to keep a chain on target than it does to land a ground pound. And, in both, midairs were NEVER a consistent source of damage and almost always stupid to attempt.
Who are these aspergs? So many ppl talking about inheritance and autos and which tribe game does what.

And why is perro raging @ every tribe utube?

I hate casual nooby opinions FUUUUUU
perro is like fishdix... both r fukin homos

most of reddit tribe is all homos including fixious fukin gayboy who delete all my posts suk a dik fagit gg
ya but perro you were very bad at LT and shunned by most of the players that played this style because you could not keep up so it is no wonder you are bitter
