Congratulations Vanster

I usually like whatever race of women, I think they're all hot, but lately I've been on a Jew kick. Jewesses are hot.

The rep thing is starting to bother me. I didn't ask for this, and it's not fair to be thrust into a position that people now expect me to maintain or control. It's interesting from a statistics point of view. I would never NEVER run for office, but I'm hogging up the unasked-for rep and it's just weird. It makes me stand out, and I don't like to do that. I want to be just a cog in the machine. A really cool cog.
I crossed that line last night. Three times.

well you are a laywer, so you deal with/are surrounded by jews all the time

I'm undecided as to whether that makes you a jew-enabler or a jew-lover or a jew-shark or just a guy fucking the women that are around him

jew :]
oh great, another rep thread

he's only that high because months ago he made a comment about not wanting to be put in the position of being the #1 on the rep list (as he was at the time), cos he felt it put him in an awkward situation

and then look what happened

Or because he's sort of awesome. There's a few people on this forum who are real and still manage to provide some entertainment. Vanster is one of them.