[computers] why are macs so shitty?

this the worst?


I remember these.....ewww

:lol: yes, so fucking awful.
I enjoy MBPs and, in all honesty, I would love to have another MBP. However, I gave the one I had to my mom because she's a total computer newbie and it is easy for her to use the damn thing and I don't have to worry about her calling me about this and that problems.

Having a PC and a Mac are the best of both worlds. I enjoy using a MBP, but I actually don't care to use a Mac tower in any form. From my Powerbook G4 and my MBP I've only had 1 dead hard drive between the two and zero other problems.
Very strange thread. Like Kiint I've used every OS under the sun, I love my macbook. Got my father a mac mini, girlfriend's brother got a macbook. osx86d an HP Mini that was previously running windows and then the HP Linux....common thread is that I don't have to deal with these computers.

I adore quicksilver in ways that aren't appropriate. It's mac only and none of the windows programs integrate so seamlessly.

My macbook's ability to properly sleep and wake is joy inducing. I've never had a windows laptop that could meaningfully accomplish the task.

I think where windows people fail to understand the osx ability is that they evaluate it for an hour in a VM and say "this shit isn't that different". It really isn't. Although Apple closed the ecosystem on the media management which if you're willing to invest in itunes, imovie, idvd, etc can be a VERY powerful thing and is different from a Windows experience. The real pleasure and or joy of using a Mac is the consistency of the experience. On your 238th boot, your mac is still just as fast, it still boots quickly. It's a combination of the security through obscurity and a linux/bsd kernel that inherently helps. You just don't have to manage the thing like you manage a PC.

It's funny, the girlfriend's brother got his macbook and the only questions I get from him are causallly related to his PC experience...."if i download this am i going to slow down my computer?"....if i get songs off frostwire am i going to slow down my computer? etc etc...Now of course those things don't inherently slow down his PC either, it's the viruses and spyware he acquired while doing those things that did, but it's such a revlelation for non pc nerds who get a mac in their hands that their computer isn't a slow pile of popups and shit 7 months after they purchase it. That's where the other half of the "it just works" crowd people love to ridicule come from.

Honestly, it's only getting better. More of this stuff is moving to the web, which is a net compatibility win for mac users. There is an abundance of quality mac software at reasonable prices. if Valve were to ever develop a native mac steam app, which is probably impossible for a multitude of reasons, but if they really could pull it off, then I think the market share numbers might dramatically shift.

Again, I reiterate, Quicksilver is the bees knees.