Computer to play tribes1 again.


Veteran X
Since i had to sell my gaming system awhile ago and im now currently on a dieing p2 laptop, my question is what would a be good to play t1 on.

I wana know what specs you have found that play tribes the best!

Im currently thinking a intel p3 500mhz, 500mb ram, maybe a 128mb videocard or should I try to find a voodoo card?
Plus a faster harddrive with windows 98..

I know i could get the lastest and greatest computer again but my old comp that could play the best games ran tribes like shit..

Help me out. I wana play t1 again :(
Is this for real? .... Any computer can play it pretty much I mean it fucking came out 7 years ago. 3dfx glide card for true tribes though.
KittyCat said:
Is this for real? .... Any computer can play it pretty much I mean it fucking came out 7 years ago. 3dfx glide card for true tribes though.
My old p4 3.2 oced, x800xt, 2gig ram played tribes like shit.
I remember back in 1999-2001 my old comp ran is perfect. I never had any problems then..
KittyCat said:
Is this for real? .... Any computer can play it pretty much I mean it fucking came out 7 years ago. 3dfx glide card for true tribes though.

my computer doesn't run it very well. lags alot, however my computer is really old.
|baby|roach| said:
My old p4 3.2 oced, x800xt, 2gig ram played tribes like shit.
I remember back in 1999-2001 my old comp ran is perfect. I never had any problems then..

Yeah i have the same computer (cept mine is obviously better, because....)

Tribes gets like a bajillion fps (i dont even bother checking because its flawless @1600x1200)
BurninSnipa said:
Yeah i have the same computer (cept mine is obviously better, because....)

Tribes gets like a bajillion fps (i dont even bother checking because its flawless @1600x1200)
Did u ever play t1 demo?