[Community Request] T:V Patch


Veteran X
Could some of the awesome hoster's here please pre-download this patch and put up some mirrors for us because you know sierra's download won't hold up too long once the boxes hit the shelves..

Thanks :)
Sierra and Irrational should re-gold the game so anyone buying it for Christmas will have a version that will work out of the box.

It would suck if all the versions on the shelf won't work because of the first patch being required.

RE-GOLD the game and put version 1.01 on the box. And then keep sending the newest version to the publisher.
NoGodForMe said:
Sierra and Irrational should re-gold the game so anyone buying it for Christmas will have a version that will work out of the box.

It would suck if all the versions on the shelf won't work because of the first patch being required.

RE-GOLD the game and put version 1.01 on the box. And then keep sending the newest version to the publisher.

Umm..welcome to gaming on a PC.

Patches happen, fairly frequently in the first few months and they're all required. It's expensive to re-gold a game. If you want to play SP and only SP, you don't need the patch. If you want to play MP, you have a connection to get the patches for free.

If you're really worried aboutit slowing down your install time (if you're on 56 k) and aren't getting it until christmas, then download them as they're released and save them on to a CD for when you have your retail copy.

Every patch that comes out will probably be required, and I wouldn't be surprised to see at least 5 by christmas. It's just par for the course.
Starwind said:
Isnt there a "check for updates" button in T:V?

Yup, there is (at least in the beta and demo there was)

However, as I pointed out in my original post, you know that download host will get slammed once this thing really hits the shelves. So if we plan ahead and setup some mirrors for the 2mb file, we'll be in better shape later.....
Get a new publisher if VUG is going bye bye.
There's gotta be a way. They can't have broken copies on the store shelves for Christmas. They still have enough time to get the new version out there.
NoGodForMe said:
Get a new publisher if VUG is going bye bye.
There's gotta be a way. They can't have broken copies on the store shelves for Christmas. They still have enough time to get the new version out there.

NoGodForMe. It's NOT a broken copy. it works and runs fine.

I'm guessing you mostly play console games because there isn't a PC gamer in the world (multiplayer gamer to clarify) that doesn't understand that PATCHES HAPPEN and that YOU HAVE TO DOWNLOAD THEM.

Regolding and reprinting games takes a LOT of money, then what do they do with the old perfectly good copies? It's just not economically rational, or even feasible to do it. Especially not with a game as unknown as Tribes.

If you don't want to wait 4 hours in a DL line when you finally get your copy, DL the patches now so you already have them.

At the very least, can you imagine the confusion if only 1 out of ever 3 copies had to patch?

Edit: and btw, NO publisher is going to fork over the dough to re-gold, re-print, and re-distribute every time a setting is tweaked or a glitch is fixed.

Edit 2: I can't believe you're a Vet 2.