Comcast OnDemand has made my night.

They have the Back To The Future Trilogy free HD on demand. That was my Friday night last week, it was awesome.
OnDemand is pretty cool. But they are pretty limited on new release stuff. I may switch to Uverse. They have a similiar service so maybe the amount of new release available is better.
They have the Back To The Future Trilogy free HD on demand. That was my Friday night last week, it was awesome.

Indeed it is. I saw it, but have yet to enjoy it.

However, it is the weekend now..basically.
Damn I vaguely remember than movie. I mainly remember watching it many times when I was younger. If it's been 15 years I would have been 10. I'm trying to think if there was any nudity...
Avoid Talladega Nights on the free movie list at all costs! Not only is the made for TBS movie one of the worst ever, but they replay THE SAME FOUR COMMERCIALS SEVEN FUCKING TIMES throughout the movie.