Climate change - Do you believe in it?

because that will be the problem

not the civil unrest and civil + world war we will all inevitably be in over exponentially depleted resources

it was that two ply toilet paper and hamburger that caused all this

if only we taxed it faster
I believe in Climate Change.

2 weeks ago it was -23. Now it change to +2 outside. Tomorrow they say it'll change to +8.

Climate be changing all the time.
The climate changes, it always has and always will. Do humans cause it? Maybe, maybe not. If so, does it matter? Are we willing to do anything about it?
I believe I like camping, and fishing, and hunting, and having clean air and water to enjoy while I'm doing it. You could call me a conservationist, I'd like to keep nature clean.

If my goals and the goals of hippy tree huggers happen to align then I'm fine with that, but don't try to take away my stuff and get rich off extorting "carbon credits" from me then say it's for the planet.

There's a middle-ground where everyone basically get's what they're after if they're being honest, but "climate change" isn't about saving the planet, it's a scam, another way of profiting off fear and gullibility, and THAT I do not believe in.
with the overwhelming levels of scientific consensus on the topic, denying or even challenging the human species' contribution to climate change is equivalent to people thinking the earth is flat, vaccines cause autism, or evolution is fake

being a climate change denier just means you're going to be on the wrong side of the history books written by the next generations
Do you believe the Medieval people were to blame for the Medieval warm period or the following mini ice age?

I'm not convinced we are totally to blame for all this shit, I know this is the age of guilt but I'm not feeling it.

Look how much shit gets pumped out from an average forest fire or volcanic eruption, I bet that easily outweighs me changing to led light globes.

Either way, whatever will be will be.
i believe the climate is ever-changing

i believe there are other intelligent beings in this galaxy/universe.

i believe that there may be a higher/different plane of existence within this universe.

but that's just crazy talk
also i dont give a shit about climate change at all

theres literally nothing i can do about it

so ill let ppl whos job is 2 worry about it worry about it