Christopher Hitchens is going to tear Michael Moore a new asshole

Icey said:
And hey, we were much more involved in the 60s and early 70s than we were in the 80s-90s under Reagan and Bush. We had solid diplomatic relationships with the SECULAR Arab governments in the Middle East.

Islamic radicalism took hold because Israel beat the shit out of the Arabs in three wars, and some felt that going zealot would give them victory! Powerful men seized on that idea which swept the area and now have taken hold of countries and terror networks... not for ideas.. but for money.

The root of the problem is that there are a bunch of people out there making a shitload of money milking the fuck out of the Middle East while yes men continue to tell Joe Muhammed that it's all Israel and America's fault their lives suck ass. Do some investigation before laying the blame at conservative.. or ANY administration. Clinton could have done more, but so could have Bush 41 and Reagan.

Our lack of intelligence began with the decimation of the CIA thanks to a committee I'm sure you know all about that took place after Iran-Contra. Thanks to that little fiasco, Congress had the intel community by the balls and successfully castrated our intelligence. You want to blame something American for this whole thing? Blame those congressional hearings.

Speaking of the 70's, Kissinger rejected numerous Arab proposals for peace so that he could basically hold out for more land. That's been the reality since then and if you look at the west bank now, it's basically worked. In fact Israel supported the PLO long before it became the full fledged terror/security aparatus it is now. Tell me why did Israel support the PLO when it could have supported more moderate palestinian nationalists.

As far as lack of good arab intel, it isnt a simple question of funding. IMO, CIA really doesnt give a shit about 'terror'. Why did the CIA ship Afghan Al Quaeda to fight in Bosnia? Why didnt they kill Zaquarwi when they had the chance 2 years ago while he was in Kurd controled terrorities in Northern Iraq?
scy7he said:
Child? Seirously... you got me there. Your wit is something to be feared.
yes, you're a child. maybe a smart one, but a child. :p

and one who's been told he's clever far too many times. you've got a big head. that's not going to help you later in life.

Then you're talking about the Clinton years, and not this administration. I'm unaware of any distracting partisan fighting over a blowjob during the past 3 years of this administration. The question was a simple one, and you failed to deliever. Now it's time for you to think of another devistating comeback.
and of course you failed to miss the point entirely, choosing to ignore the most relevant sentence in favor of purposely distorting meaning. :shrug:

911 was our nightmares from the cold war coming home to where they were hatched having lost the enemy they were bred to fight.
the point is not that it's the fault of the present administration but that it's the result of the short-sighted and retarded thinking of his father and his father's father. george's stupidity now is breeding a whole new mess of shit that's going to smack yours and my generation around ten years from now when people have forgotten how fucked up george is and remember him like people are remembering reagan.

you lose, junior.
Icey said:
You're a fucking idiot and have no concept of the beginnings of Islamic terrorism. It has absolutely nothing to do with Reagan, Bush, Carter, Clinton or ANY PRESIDENT.
Okay...which is why a lot of the terror groups of today were started by people from the cold war who were trained or supplied by one side or the other prior to the soviet collapse.

none of them signed an order that said, "let there be terrorists," but they did have policies and practices that lead to the training and formation of those people and parties that became the terrorists...we either funded and trained them back in the day or funded and trained those they were fighting against.

assigning blame is a little pointless because that gets you nothing. what you really want to do is understand where they came from and where they're going with it all. that way you save yourself the trouble of repeating history. :shrug:

The idea that they are fighting to free the Middle East from American influence and "Zionist domination" is a cover beyond covers. Even if we swore we'd never go near the Middle East ever again, and we told Israel to dissolve immediately, we'd STILL have the threat on our hands.
some are fighting that fight. not all of them are, but some are. some would stop fighting if israel didn't exist, but not all of them.

And hey, we were much more involved in the 60s and early 70s than we were in the 80s-90s under Reagan and Bush. We had solid diplomatic relationships with the SECULAR Arab governments in the Middle East.
in the 60s, 70s, and 80s we ran around the middle east and the rest of the world fighting a proxy war against the soviet union. In the 90s Bush Sr. tried half-heartedly to clean up the more embarassing of his creations, but he was unable to really take care of them before the public voted him out of office in disgust.

those secular arab governments were either installed by us, our friends, or by groups funded by us or our friends...and then we overthrew the ones that didn't want to deal with us on our terms.

Islamic radicalism took hold because Israel beat the shit out of the Arabs in three wars, and some felt that going zealot would give them victory! Powerful men seized on that idea which swept the area and now have taken hold of countries and terror networks... not for ideas.. but for money.

The root of the problem is that there are a bunch of people out there making a shitload of money milking the fuck out of the Middle East while yes men continue to tell Joe Muhammed that it's all Israel and America's fault their lives suck ass. Do some investigation before laying the blame at conservative.. or ANY administration. Clinton could have done more, but so could have Bush 41 and Reagan.
Oh WOW you read that speech posted in the other thread. good for you. he had a lot of nice things to say in that bit, but I don't necessarily agree with all of it; characterizing inter-arab wars/conflicts the same as terrorism, for example.

Our lack of intelligence began with the decimation of the CIA thanks to a committee I'm sure you know all about that took place after Iran-Contra. Thanks to that little fiasco, Congress had the intel community by the balls and successfully castrated our intelligence. You want to blame something American for this whole thing? Blame those congressional hearings.
oh...blame the congressional hearings and not the people who abused the power and position they were given :rolleyes: sure, hoss, I'll do just that.

I'll also blame the tight skirt the rape victim was wearing.
cogzinofa said:
the point is not that it's the fault of the present administration but that it's the result of the short-sighted and retarded thinking of his father and his father's father.

cogzinofa said:
1) the administration ignored or fucked up too many warning signs of 911

I contested this point and this point only. Now you say that the current administration is not at fault. And that's fine. It's alright to change your views, I don't hold it against people. But for your sake, the next time you choose to insult someone and close a response with "You loose juinor," make sure that you're not the one making contradictory statements that end up making you look like an idiot.
Someone had to sit down and waste the time needed to point out the more glaring faults in Moore's most recent propoganda piece.

I am glad that someone did it so that I can now resist the temptation to do so myself.

Funny shit though.
To be fair to Bush though, nobody really saw 9/11 coming. Unless you point to the Madrid conference i think during the summer where the security actually did contemplate hijacked planes.
MADness said:
Someone had to sit down and waste the time needed to point out the more glaring faults in Moore's most recent propoganda piece.

I am glad that someone did it so that I can now resist the temptation to do so myself.

Funny shit though.

propaganda is by the state, what moore does is a polemic. There is a difference.
cartman said:
propaganda is by the state, what moore does is a polemic. There is a difference.

If is to be believed

po·lem·ic ( P ) Pronunciation Key (p-lmk)
1. A controversial argument, especially one refuting or attacking a specific opinion or doctrine.

prop·a·gan·da ( P ) Pronunciation Key (prp-gnd)
1. The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause.
scy7he said:
If is to be believed

po·lem·ic ( P ) Pronunciation Key (p-lmk)
1. A controversial argument, especially one refuting or attacking a specific opinion or doctrine.

prop·a·gan·da ( P ) Pronunciation Key (prp-gnd)
1. The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause.

exactly, look at the root of the word. It derives from what the Catholic church did. I'll ask again? Is there anything in Moore's film doctrinal or systematic? Of course if you subscribe to the theory he hates america, then I guess you would consider that propaganda. :)

Etymology: New Latin, from Congregatio de propaganda fide Congregation for propagating the faith, organization established by Pope Gregory XV died 1623

no one would mistake the polemics(opinions) of a citizen like moore with say the stated doctrines of a church or a governmental official. In other words, it's not what they say that's at issue, it's that one is a private citizen, all be it a prominent one and the other has the weight of the state or other massive institution behind it. Clear enough?
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cartman said:
exactly, look at the root of the word. It derives from what the Catholic church did. I'll ask again? Is there anything in Moore's film doctrinal or systematic? Of course if you subscribe to the theory he hates america, then I guess you would consider that propaganda. :)
how about that he hates the bush administration? Seems like a very tight case could be made for this being anti-bush propaganda.
cartman said:
exactly, look at the root of the word. It derives from what the Catholic church did. I'll ask again? Is there anything in Moore's film doctrinal or systematic? Of course if you subscribe to the theory he hates america, then I guess you would consider that propaganda. :)

This is kinda odd. I'm not trying to make an argument here, but when you profess that the information I provided supported your origional point, you contradict that when you accept the possibility that you're wrong.

So I'm crystal clear: Propaganda isn't just state sanctioned information if there's another possibility.
Excel said:
how about that he hates the bush administration? Seems like a very tight case could be made for this being anti-bush propaganda.

no one would mistake the polemics(opinions) of a citizen like moore with say the stated doctrines of a church or a governmental official. In other words, it's not what they say that's at issue, it's that one is a private citizen, all be it a prominent one and the other has the weight of the state or other massive institution behind it. Clear enough?
scy7he said:
This is kinda odd. I'm not trying to make an argument here, but when you profess that the information I provided supported your origional point, you contradict that when you accept the possibility that you're wrong.

So I'm crystal clear: Propaganda isn't just state sanctioned information if there's another possibility.

my only point is this.....

no one would mistake the polemics(opinions) of a citizen like moore with say the stated doctrines of a church or a governmental official. In other words, it's not what they say that's at issue, it's that one is a private citizen, all be it a prominent one and the other has the weight of the state or other massive institution behind it. Clear enough?
cartman said:
no one would mistake the polemics(opinions) of a citizen like moore with say the stated doctrines of a church or a governmental official. In other words, it's not what they say that's at issue, it's that one is a private citizen, all be it a prominent one and the other has the weight of the state or other massive institution behind it. Clear enough?
I dont see a limiter in any definition of propaganda stating that it must be issued by a specific type of body or entity. Just that it be interested in propagating a doctrine or cause.
cartman said:
no one would mistake the polemics(opinions) of a citizen like moore with say the stated doctrines of a church or a governmental official. In other words, it's not what they say that's at issue, it's that one is a private citizen, all be it a prominent one and the other has the weight of the state or other massive institution behind it. Clear enough?

So basicly you're saying that; when we consider the baggage the words carry, one is more appropriate then the other. Right?

I don't disagree with that. But I believe that it's important to point out that the use of the word propaganda isn't restricted specificly to matters dealing with government.