[Cell Phones] Blackberry Storm


Veteran X
Who has one? I know there was a bit of hype surrounding the release, not only on these forums, so just doing a follow-up of sorts. I personally don't know anyone that owns one and have only found myself inside a Verizon store once where I was dilly-dallying with it for a few minutes. I heard the browser rivals that of the iPhone and is a great phone overall.

I currently have Verizon and don't really want to switch or see myself switching so any feedback on the Storm would be much appreciated as I'm in the market for a new phone. Thanks in advance.

I don't suppose the Bold is coming to Verizon anytime soon. :(
I love the storm, have had it for 2 months, there are still some bugs in the OS. But new OSs are leaked just about every 2 weeks. each one better than the last. Its only a matter of time before they get it right. One down side is that RIM has yet to release the new plazmic (which is used to create themes for blackberrys) so there are no themes yet, but more and more apps and games are being developed that support the storm. Plus Verizon's app store should be out soon. All in all I love the storm and definitely recommend it if you need a blackberry, if you don't need it for work, keep to the civilian phones.
if you're going to get a blackberry, stick with what they do right - standard Smartphones with full keyboard. Functionality is unmatched if you use it for business imo

Well for what I need the blackberry for at least. I'm used to the burry keyboards so this touch screen shit isn't for me. I don't wanna watch movies and flip it sideways anyways. Just for work AND I love my wifis when I travel.

Go Bold

I appreciate the replies guys, thanks again.

if you're going to get a blackberry, stick with what they do right - standard Smartphones with full keyboard. Functionality is unmatched if you use it for business imo

I hear you for sure. Like I said, I only had a chance to play around with the Storm once for a few minutes and honestly the touchscreen felt fine but I really rather have a full qwerty, of the not-touchscreen kind, heh.

I guess if a Blackberry is what I want, no touchscreen, the Curve seems to be my only option if I were to stay at Verizon - which I plan on doing, like I said, love their network.

You own a Curve, Original?
I just got the new Curve 8900, went with it over the Storm because I didn't like the 'touchscreen' that isn't actually touch... you still have to press the screen in and 2-thumbing it was awkward. Go Curve or Bold.

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bold is supposed to be out in may. "Niagara" for verizon

Guess I'll wait another ~4 months, great news regardless.

Do you have a link or anything out of curiosity?

The Curve 8900 would be my next choice for sure. All depends if the Bold drops for Verizon or not I suppose. Thanks again for the insight.
whats blackberry have? better ms exchange support? big fuckin deal lol

iphone has everything else
i want to feeel wen i type man, i want it so like wen i hit a button it jumps back and hits me in the face lolll

zomggg virtual keyboards scare me! :scared:
iphone is so totally better. only losers, poor people, and whiny "different" bitches who think it's cool to h8 on what's popular h8 the iphone.
I have the RIM Pearl 8130 3G.

I prefer it due to the size and since I only really use it to push email, gps function and to read the news all the time.

I was going to get a storm but I would worry too much about cracking the screen or it being dirty all the time and driving me nuts.

I use bphone theme that looks similar to this

and added a few more minor things. Contemplating adding some more features but I'd probably never use them.