[Canada] Where do the get the funny from?


Veteran X
[Canada] Where do they get the funny from?

Tons of great comedians are from Canada. I don't know if it's just me, but I usually prefer Canadian and British comedians over US comedians.

Jim Carrey
Thomas Chong
Dave Foley
Tom Green
Phil Hartman
Norm MacDonald
Dan Aykroyd
John Candy
Lorne Michaels
Mike Myers
Martin Short
Dave Thomas
Eugene Levy
Andrea Martin
Cathy O'Hara
Rick Moranis
Bruce McCulloch
Kevin McDonald
Mark McKinney
Scott Thompson
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Ronnie Dobbs said:
why do you put dave folley so high above the rest of the kith
I didn't really rate them in order of preference, although I did kind of group them to the shows I remember them by (SNL, Kids in the Hall, SCTV).

Well thats my guess.
When you come from a place that names their money looney's and tooney's, how can you canada seriously? :>

I think they have good comedians because they have not yet fallen to the 'ghetto' culture of America and I hope they never will.

Keep Canadia clean!
Huh...how can you forget Robin Williams and Michael J. Fox eh? It's all aboot the weed eh! There is a reason why there is a leaf on our national flag! ;)