Canada experts: need vacation advice for Alberta & BC


Veteran XV
So I'm currently on a road trip through Canada. I've never been here before, and I've got about eight days left with a flexible schedule.

Locals or experienced travelers, prove your worth with the best suggestions for my time!
Are you in Alberta or BC? If you are in Alberta take the number 3 highway(also called the crows nest pass) from calgary to vancouver. You'll have to google it. Its a fucking fantastic drive with tons of scenery.
Jasper is a nice little town nestled in among the mountains. Only been there in the winter but I imagine it's as nice as Banff in the summer, but without the insane amount of tourists.

That's all I got. :)
Good suggestions, but I've got mountains in my backyard. What am I going to see here that's totally unique?

Highway #3, "Crow's Nest Highway" may be a winner.
If you have mountains in your backyard then the summer in Alberta/BC is not going to be very special

The whole place is based around mountains, and in the winter skiing on them.
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Seriously, its a fantastic fucking drive. You will love it. Vancouver will be your destination(assuming you're coming from alberta) so you can end the drive in a great fucking city. Even head to the Island if you want some more great nature-esque adventure. That's where I am, Victoria. Been here all my life and never want to leave, ever.
Jasper/Banff are typical tourist towns - beautiful scenery, lots of wildlife, lots of giftshops, lots of campgrounds.

If you go to Jasper, ask a local about cliffdiving. There are some awesome spots to cliffdive, ranging from a 3m jump to like 50m+ in a beautiful blue glacier lake.

The cliffs I went to were near the falls in Jasper, I forget the name of the falls.

Anyway look that stuff up if you head that way. Cliff diving is probably the best part about Alberta in the summer.
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We went to Victoria a year or two ago. Pretty impressive as a vacation spot.

Since Montana's pretty dry, we've been hiking to waterfalls and such. Equipment constraints rule out biking and kayaking, unfortunately.
If you hit Vancouver, then make an attempt at staying at The Sylvia Hotel. It's near some nice parts of the city, and it's a great place to stay (at least, it was 8 years ago :) ).

Last trip I had to Vancouver, I was getting a cab ride back from the touristy (Gaslight) area to our hotel at night, when our cabbie asked me and the missus where we were from. We said "Guelph", not expecting him to know where that was.

He responded with "Hey! I did time there!" which was one of the most memorable lines of the entire vacation.
The island (coast in general) is the place to go - great scenery, and tons of places to check out - tofino is the obvious choice, but tons of others.

Also, when you're passing through the interior, there are a bunch of hotsprings, and one cannot forget the scenery on the kelowna beaches this time of year... *sighs*

anywho, bc kicks ass.