can we get a list of all the jews on tw?

listen you racially inferior cunt

your opinion isnt even valid to a non-anti-semitic

you're a fucking waste of air

fucking die you worthless piece of shit

you're like the autistic kid who turns up at football practice just because he thinks getting smacked repeatedly is a valid form of social interaction

who would weep for you
Like the Jews, the Rom Gypsies were chosen for total annihilation just because of their race. Even though Jews are defined by religion, Hitler saw the Jewish people as a race that he believed needed to be completely annihilated. The Rom Gypsies also were a nomadic people that were persecuted throughout history. Both groups were denied certain privileges in many European countries. The Nazis believed that both the Jews and Gypsies were racially inferior and degenerate and therefore worthless. Like the Jews, the Gypsies were also moved into special areas set up by the Nazis.
I am an extreme example of a superhuman Aryan superman with supergenetics. You are like a bag of dog feces by comparison.
yeah so you're doubly worthless, kotz

step off cuntface

next time you wanna fuck with absant, mukface is coming too

we're fucking brothers, bitch

Captured Gypsies, Germany 1861
you're not even making any fucking sense now

so what if some gypsies got captured

you see me weeping over slavic cunts?
Absent has a hard-on for Jews. I think his mother was raped by a Jew. Luckily you aren't Jewish unless your mother was a Jew so he got out of that one.
I don't know which part of this thread I like more- isuk's all-pervading creepiness, or the fact that even absent doesn't appear to be taking himself seriously anymore.