Call me let's talk. 801-791-9863

I retract my statement concerning regs. I thought he only just now made an account.
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Nice Utah number. If phones were working on base I'd call you right now.
Who the fuck lives in Ogden, Utah? She does use AT&T Wireless though.. so this is a cell phone. I'll just message the fuck out of her
Mid-Airlines said:
Check her out on myspace bro, that's her real pic, If it was googled I wouldn't have uploaded it on imageshack.

Nice Profile Faggot

Ya Saturday was pretty damn fun. I'm sure my description of it is going to suck but here I go anyways.
First of all I picked Holly up at about 2:30 which oddly enough is the same time I left that night come to think of it. Anyways, I picked her up and we got gas and headed down to SLC to go play at the Gateway Mall. Aparently Holly had never been there but she said she was up for the idea anyways. As soon as we got there we went up stairs and Holly wanted to go into the build-a-bear workshop. Now I was only going in to look around and I think Holly was doing the same but once we got in there we both decided it would be a good idea to build one. We both built one that would represent ourselves and then give it to the other one. So of course I chose a monkey cause we all know I look like a monkey. Holly chose a beautiful kitty to represent herself. Then we got some noises to stick in their hands. I got a monkey sound and an "I love you" sound. Holly got a kitty sound and an "I love you sound". Then we went to fill them up with cotton and we had to put a heart in them. So to put love in them we had to run around the store yelling I love my monkey for me, and I love my kitty for Holly. Then we filled it with cotten and chose some night clothes for them to wear. The monkey got some cute green pajamas and the kitty got a some pink pajamas that say princess on them. After we paid for them we got to make them birth certificates. They are so awesome they even show the height and weight of each one. After we finished our beautiful stuffed animals we put them in the car and went back and walked around a while more. We didnt really go in any special stores after that, we just kinda walked around and held hands.
While we were leaving we say this horse pullen carriage and decided to ride that, it was only $10 so it wasnt expensive at all. It was pretty romantic if you ask me, lol.
After the nice carriage ride we went home and visited Holly's grandma on her mom's side. She was way nice to me and she said that she was probably the hardiest of the family to meet so I guess I should be okay from now on. I dont know. Then we went out to eat at Arbys and had a good time slushing around in there. For some odd reason they had just puddles of water on the floor. I really think it was an accident but I'm not sure. After dinner we went back to my house and watched Big Daddy and cuddled on the couch. At 11:30 I had to take Holly home. I got to her house at about 12:00 and we showed her mom our beautiful animals we had built for each other. The Holly asked if we could watch a movie so we watched "A Walk to Remember". That is a good movie I think. Anyways Hollly fell asleep while we were watching it, but it was okay, I wanted to go to sleep too but I knew her mom would get mad if I fell asleep there so I had to stay awake. It was nice still laying with Holly on the couch so I dont care that she fell asleep. We had a pretty fun day I was tired after all that excitement too.
So at about 2:30 I left and had to go home for the night. Which might be the most pointless thing ever cause I'm just going to be back over there as soon as Holly wakes up anyways so I should have just spent the night I think. Oh well it was an amazing day anyways.
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Patton said:
I retract my statement concerning regs. I thought he only just now made an account.
Nope, been around a long while, mostly an observer though :popcorn:. I played for UNS and a few other clans. Anyway, apollod, it fucking sucks here.
Data said:
I guess it was intended to be humorous but she slashed my tires and shattered my back window with her new "friend." One of them cut themselves when they slashed my tires though so they are in some shit.