California non highway speeding ticket


Veteran XX
So I got a speed trap ticket the other day, and in doing some research it appears there's a pretty good chance for me to beat this in court if I take the right approach.

It's a 22350VC -Unsafe Speed, and noted as 50/35 "Vis" which I guess means the cop used his magic speed detection eyeballs. It also notes: AS 52/35 which I'm not sure what the AS indicates yet.

This happened on a 4 lane blvd near my house, that is heavily travelled, at 2:30 in the afternoon, on a really sunny day.

The cop told me:

"You were driving, and you caught up to the group of cars in front of you, so I pulled you over because you were going faster than 35 mph"

From what I've read, I just have to establish that nobody was in danger from my driving, because this is a wide (4 lanes with a 5th lane between) blvd, on a day with excellent visibility and road conditions, and I can beat it in court.

Anyone know what I'm talking about here, and any tips?

*Update* I'm calling lawyers now. So far, I have one that will represent me for $199, which insn't bad, but it's a factory and I'm concerned I'm not gonna get much of an effort from them, nor will they actually let me talk to a lawyer about the case without paying in advance. Calling other lawyers and still considering representing myself.

Also, the appearance date for this case isn't until August 26th.
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all the officer has to say is "Ive been on the force X amount of years and it is my professional opinion he was going X MPH."

It is his word vs yours and you will lose.

edit: speed traps they usually have a radar gun... are you sure he didnt gun you?
Orange safety whistle with an orange reflective vest.

It is his word vs yours and you will lose.

Unless he has a lawyer. They love to tear apart cases like this.
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pay a ticket lawyer. don't try and beat it yourself. worst case is you're out another $70 on top of your ticket, but it will likely get thrown out.
i really don't get why people (who admit to actually speeding) try and get away with it after they've been caught.

either a) don't be such a poor/cheap cunt or b) don't speed. simple.
I've never had a good story and I've won 4 out of 4 ticket appeals in MA. Show up to court wearing a full suit, explain the situation briefly, apologize for going over the speed limit. If the judge isn't a douche bag you will be let go.

I've had the same judge dismiss my ticket twice and he even remembered me from the prior occasion since it was twice in the same year.
i really don't get why people (who admit to actually speeding) try and get away with it after they've been caught.

either a) don't be such a poor/cheap cunt or b) don't speed. simple.

because speeding laws are dumb
all the officer has to say is "Ive been on the force X amount of years and it is my professional opinion he was going X MPH."

It is his word vs yours and you will lose.

edit: speed traps they usually have a radar gun... are you sure he didnt gun you?

So clearly you don't know what I'm talking about. The ticket has nothing to do with speeding limits, that's why it's beatable.

VC 22350

22350. No person shall drive a vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater than is reasonable or prudent having due regard for weather, visibility, the traffic on, and the surface and width of, the highway, and in no event at a speed which endangers the safety of persons or property.

This is what I was cited for. See anything in there about speed limits or radar or anything else? Unless driving at 50 endangered people or property, I can skate. From the information I have, this is in fact, the most beatable ticket you can get.
i really don't get why people (who admit to actually speeding) try and get away with it after they've been caught.

either a) don't be such a poor/cheap cunt or b) don't speed. simple.

Sorry I'm not going to admit shit. I drove there the same way and at the same speed that 1000 other fuckers drive, on a local errand 5 minutes from my house. I got a ticket from an out of shape lackey whose salary I pay as a homeowner, who rather than doing the job of a real cop (which I completey respect BTW) of defending people from real criminals, has been sent out to sit behind a bush for 4 hours, so that he can pull over people like myself repeatedly in order to make a quota for the city, knowing that 99.9% of the time people won't bother to exercise their rights, and take them to court. It's a revenue raising exercise, and I already pay more than my fair share of local taxes.


Fuck them, and fuck you for being a sheep. You think that going 50 on a 5 lane road is speeding? You're an imbecile.
pay a ticket lawyer. don't try and beat it yourself. worst case is you're out another $70 on top of your ticket, but it will likely get thrown out.

I've considered this, but paying a lawyer will probably be just as expensive as paying the ticket. I don't want to pay the ticket, and I have a flexible schedule, so I can afford to go fight this.
will this cause your insurance to go up? If so, then It may be worth it to get the lawyer. What about points on your license?
I've never had a good story and I've won 4 out of 4 ticket appeals in MA. Show up to court wearing a full suit, explain the situation briefly, apologize for going over the speed limit. If the judge isn't a douche bag you will be let go.

I've had the same judge dismiss my ticket twice and he even remembered me from the prior occasion since it was twice in the same year.

Maybe that shit flies in Mass, it doesn't out here.

The rules of court here are:

1. The cop is always considered right
2. Admitting you are guilty is assumed.
3. You only win if the cop doesn't show, or you can win on a technicality, or prior case law.

I actually have a couple ways to approach this from what I understand. If I can establish that this is a speed trap, via some documents I may be able to get from the county, I can win.

I also can win simply by getting the cop to testify to the facts of the case.
If he was hiding behind a bush I'd look into that. I thought it was a no no in cali for an officer to hide behind signage, plants, etc. That they have to be substantially exposed else it's entrapment?
