Buying Seasons of Top Gear


Veteran XX
Can't seem to find a reliable website that offers US compatible DVD sets of their seasons. Their website only seems to have season 10 for sale and places like Amazon and Ebay have proven to be useless.

Anyone here bought seasons before? Ifso, where from?
Top Gear is entertainment and shouldn't be considered for acutal car show content.
The thing with buying dvd seasons of top gear is that after they have initially shown them the first time around on tv, they have to edit the music for copyright reasons. They swap all the meticulously detailed music that exactly suits the scenes to something a lot more affordable, but somehow something is really left missing. This is basically why it pays to just torrent them, since the reruns and dvd versions aren't as catchy soundtrack-wise. What you find on torrent sites are usually rips of the original BBC showing.