Bush and 9/11

triple said:
Do you actually believe this trash?

I don't really know what I think, I don't like Bush in general, but I'm not one to go around spouting conspiracy theories. It's very interesting actually, and he makes many good points, that even if the whole thing is false, are still intrinsically true. And yes, I am anti-war, if you're wondering.
Wow, whoever wrote that has some of the shittiest grammar and sentence structure I've ever seen.

Why Did George Bush Jr. Lie About When He Was First Told Of The Attacks?
And that's not even one of the bad ones.
Reno said:
Wow, whoever wrote that has some of the shittiest grammar and sentence structure I've ever seen.

And that's not even one of the bad ones.

Actually, that sentence is grammatically correct. If you've taken time to read the article, and not just the headlines, you'd know it was not "What he lied about" but "Why he lied about the event of him first finding out about the attacks".
WTF is up with radical liberals?

I mean seriously.. I hate daschle with a passion, but I dont go around accusing him of killing thousands..
When you write bullshit conspiracy theory pages, one goal should be make it readable. That sentence is not readable and takes several re-reads to get what he's saying. It also could be open to interpretation of several meanings.

It doesn't change the fact that the whole page is complete bullshit.
That's horrible. Even if you dislike Bush you have to be put off by some of the things that guy suggests.

For instance:
Another possibility is that he was stoned on some drug, possibly alcohol (note his red nose in recent photos), and was incapable of dealing with anything more challenging than a goat.


Sorry, I am by no means a right winger, but that article is rediculous. It looks like it was written by a 16 year old with too much time on his hands.
It's sad that you've already dismissed an entirely well-thought out argument by merely skimming/speed reading through the article so you could spout your pre-determined stance sooner rather than later.
HollowPoint said:
It's sad that you've already dismissed an entirely well-thought out argument by merely skimming/speed reading through the article so you could spout your pre-determined stance sooner rather than later.
Bush was stoned on alcohol, solid evidence that he personally crashed the two planes into the two towers. Dick Cheney probably did the one into the pentagon.
HollowPoint said:
I don't really know what I think, I don't like Bush in general, but I'm not one to go around spouting conspiracy theories.

umm, that's kind of what you're doing with this thread, isn't it?
[Khorne]Johnny X said:
That's horrible. Even if you dislike Bush you have to be put off by some of the things that guy suggests.

For instance:


Sorry, I am by no means a right winger, but that article is rediculous. It looks like it was written by a 16 year old with too much time on his hands.

Well, I believe the point was to come up with every possible situation that could have led to his subdued reaction to the towers being hit.
HollowPoint said:
Well, I believe the point was to come up with every possible situation that could have led to his subdued reaction to the towers being hit.
Link being stoned on alcohol?

Admit it, you're wrong. The article is 100% bullshit.
ZugZug said:
umm, that's kind of what you're doing with this thread, isn't it?

Nope just putting it out there as a possibility. Like Bush being stoned was a possibility. Doesn't mean it was the fact of the matter, doesn't mean it's likely, doesn't even mean it's what I believe. It just means I'd like to increase the amount of knowledge about various possible situations so you can consider and review what you yourself believe.
HollowPoint said:
Doesn't mean it was the fact of the matter, doesn't mean it's likely, doesn't even mean it's what I believe.

So how about you say that it's unlikely and you don't believe it?