[Bug]Buckler zig zag

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Veteran X
This is an interesting phenomenon. I don't know if this was present in the 04 build. In the 04 build the buckler would return to you right away if you drew another weapon while it was in flight.

In the 05 build this feature is still present, but if you draw another weapon to get the buckler to come back in quicker and then redraw the empty buckler hand, the buckler will shoot away from you again for a brief time the moment the hand is drawn. What this allows you to do is to get it to zig zag, first going out, then coming in, then going out briefly again before finally coming in. This allows for potentially four hits with it on a single throw. That needs to be removed imo, since no doubt people will learn to abuse it.

I discovered this while playing on my own machine, so I do not know if it is present while connected to an online server. I would imagine the game would be the same.
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WaTTz! said:
Interesting... bout' how far outwards doth the buckler fly whilst ye do this?

Any distance far enough away from you that you can draw the empty hand before it is fully returned. And the "second throw" is about 1/8th to 1/4th the total length of the shot, so it is significant enough to hit someone multiple times without too much trouble.
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