[Bug] 3d sound does not work properly - help?

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Veteran XX
Topic pretty much says it all. The 3d sound feature just does not want to function in single player OR multiplayer. Single player I lose voices in cutscenes or I get chipmunk voices. In game, both multi- and single- player I just get randomly dropped sounds and/or odd muting effects.

This never happened with beta nor with the demo. Things seem to work without 3d sound disabled but I would like to use my 5.1 speakers if I could.

System Specs:
Intel 2.8
1 Gig Ram
Radeon 9800
Sound Blaster Audigy 2

T:V is also running with the latest patch.

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on a totally unrelated note, i got huge a huge fps increase from disabling 3d sound, and dont miss it a bit.

this is the only problem i had with TV.

SB Audigy 2 ZS plat... and 3d sound basically didnt work. I could not hear half the dialog and it was generally very buggy.

It was a major disappointment cuz the sound was otherwise nice, but it was still fun without the full experience.
as the first person in this thread, i kinda like 3d sound. its pretty handy to hear a footstep, voice, stray bullet and be able to know where it is to a pretty close extent.
Yeah, I get the problem with the sound dissapearing and the chipmonk/dialog being messed up in cutscenes. I think the dialog cutting out in cutscenes is because of the way 3d sound works and the posistioning of the speakers...

Audigy 2ZS
Radeon 9800XT
512DDR 333mhz
Yup, have the same problem here, with an Audigy 2ZS...chipmunk voices & also, during a cutscene, I've had the music play at a normal level, while the voices becomes extremely quiet or come from just one speaker... Other than that, an awesome game!

I'm running with:
1 gig mem.
Asus A8V mb
Audigy 2ZS
Cambridge Soundworks digital speakers
wix xp w/sp2
latest drivers for all...

Sort of OT, but is 3D sound in this game for 5.1 setups, or is it just enabling hardware acceleration in-game?

Also, in Default.ini and/or TV_CD_DVD.ini look for [ALAudio.ALAudioSubsystem] and try changing "Channels=32" to 64 or however many channels your sound card supports. Worth a try.

Oh yes, another option to try....search your harddrive for OpenAL32.dll (usually in Windows\system32). If you have one there, you can try unchecking "Use default driver" in your in-game sound options. This will make the game use your sound card driver's OpenAL32.dll instead of the one that ships with the game. Hopefully one of these options will fix some issues people are experiencing. Good luck.
Got Haggis? said:
i have the same problem and have an audigy2.....looks like everyone that has that problem has the same sound card
I'm seeing the same problem with an Audigy 1. I wouldn't be surprised if 3D sound was generally broken.
My questions are:

1) Did anyone experience this problem with the demo/beta?

2) Is your game patched with the pre-release patch?


For me, the answers are
1) no
2) yes

Making me think that it's somehow a problem that came with the patch. I dunno. I hope to get more people who use 3d sound posting in the thread so the devs will look at it.
I had the same problem with the cutscene in the SP demo. I dont have any problems with sounds other than with cutscenes.
I just enabled EAX through the ini files, it seems to be doing decent... dunno if it's supported, but I don't get those "miss" sounds anymore.
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