British intel pays people to swing public opinion in alternative media and forums

P Masta Flex

Veteran X
Whatever else is true, no government should be able to engage in these tactics: what justification is there for having government agencies target people – who have been charged with no crime – for reputation-destruction, infiltrate online political communities, and develop techniques for manipulating online discourse? But to allow those actions with no public knowledge or accountability is particularly unjustifiable.
ours is shilling it up too I'm sure, they legalized the use of propaganda in 2012
imagine if tehvul got paid 2 post his bullshit

id kill him and then myself ukno

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this comment is pretty good

everyone has their angle

Gee, Glenn, there are far more powerful ways of infiltrating than those methods you describe here.

Take for instance Google Analytics. The mischief of Google, their long-time cooperation with the Fed spies, algorithms for the DoD, Schmidt’s understanding that we’ve reached ‘the end of privacy’ and should just get over it, and all the sundry Google product leechings of human knowledge on a scale that will be useful to future AI development but is a catastrophe on the human scale, where privacy is still required for consciousness to breathe….

And then of course there’s Amazon, which tracks every search and sale you make (whether you like it or not); Amazon with its flip smirk over drone deliveries, twerking in the face of those concerned by drone usage; Amazon, with its nearly impossible-to-cancel accounts (go ahead and try, just for the exercise, I dare you); and, Amazon with their very recent announcement that they are partnering with the CIA to build cloud services for the spies….

And Intercept uses the services of these malignant capitalizers. Indeed, according to my Ghostery listing, coming to Intercept means being tracked by Google, Amazon, and Mixpanel (“The most advanced analytics platform ever…”). And presumably eBay caches in at the back end, too. What it means, obviously enough, is that First Look tracks its viewers just as vigorously as any other player out there and provides Big Data with more marketing opportunities. One imagines that the kinds of people who read and respond favorably to your piece on infiltators above, for instance, would be of some interest to the authorities. (And we knows how the Googles an’Amzons likes to share they data wif Big Bro.) This would be ironical, Glenn, except that it’s too frightening to be merely glib about. I mean, after all, you built this city on rock and roll.

First Look is not the only “alternative journalism” site that employs such metrics, of course. Just the other day I was shocked to discover that Counterpunch tracks every time you open their e-newsletters. So if you read about the Fukushima meltdown, next thing you know you’re being prodded to buy more Blackmore’s iodine tablets (or some such). Looks like Big Data has everyone by the short follicles, but still: Don’t you think–you know, being The Most Transparent Blogger Ever (TM)–that you should make people explicitly aware of this practice and explain why you do it? Maybe explain how you can ‘reveal’ Google machinations, for instance, and then consciously employ their system to make a buck. Maybe, you know, if you feel like it…

BTw, and on a related (positive) note, I’ve found a good way of getting rid of ads while browsing is by using AdFender (, which is a systems install and, thus, works for any browser.
i don't see what the problem is so long as it serves the common good. So long as it protects the larger society.

who cares if government spies on us....corporations like Amazon and Facebook have been spying on us for years now.

/dumbest fucking arguments in history
i don't see what the problem is so long as it serves the common good. So long as it protects the larger society.

who cares if government spies on us....corporations like Amazon and Facebook have been spying on us for years now.

/dumbest fucking arguments in history

As they say: "knowledge is power", and, by having all this info, with the flip of the switch they can bring us, quickly, in to a world of pain.
The fact that Google has the information they do (mapping, network, personal info, etc) and they've recently acquired companies such as Boston Dynamic and some Israeli defense contractor....
As they say: "knowledge is power", and, by having all this info, with the flip of the switch they can bring us, quickly, in to a world of pain.
The fact that Google has the information they do (mapping, network, personal info, etc) and they've recently acquired companies such as Boston Dynamic and some Israeli defense contractor....

very much agreed

not to mention their recent acquisition of Nest smart thermostats to fire detectors. Their ongoing desire to own more teleconference equipment.

Soon they will know everything going on not just through the internet port but also in most offices and homes as well.
So then wtf are you saying that you don't see the (potential) problem. lol.

that was what the backslash "ending the dumbest fucking argument ever" was meant to imply. I've dealt with so many fucktards in here today I thought it would be fun to hit them with their own vernacular.

To post through the eyes of someone like SmallKiwi

Sarcasm doesn't translate too well through internet when you don't really know the other person I guess. No biggy
i don't mean to derail a good thread, with great posters, and phenomenal content in it.

ok, yes I do.

I blame it on the fact that I wasn't born with any legs. That I can't do what other people can do anymore. :(

Like spot sarcasm, have anything to say when posting, or be funny like jd.
not having my legs has taken so many things away from me.

like my ability to count, talk, or think things out clearly for myself anymore.

it's bad news d00........all i got left is spazlording


and/or wicked sick dance moves
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