[Brink]New FPS from Splash Damage

It seems to combine many games into one.

It feels very ET + Tf2 + Tribes (inv. stations lolol) + UT.

It has the potential to be quite good, so i'm anxiously looking forward to a long beta process.
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Pre-Order is up on Steam. Awards the DLC pack for free.

I'm tempted by this game... looks pretty attractive in many ways.
Tribalwar poster:

Pffffffff this is just another fps that i've decided to preemptively hate!

(goes to buy fps that they have accepted from conditioning)

Fuck open mindedness bro its cool to hate!!!!!
I hate retailer exclusive, pre-order dlc (especially with deus ex: human revolution), although out of the pre-order incentives available for brink, only the physco and spec ops packs are worth it. I am going to pre-order the physco pack (pending demo) as it is a steamworks title, otherwise I would have settled for the spec ops pack.
Console FPS's are dead, sorry bro's but developers have let people hack the shit out of them for too long and the pilgrimage to consoles has already happened.

Diablo is the only PC game on the horizon with any real fanfare