Bottom Mounted PSU's ?


Veteran X
I'm looking to build a new computer and I've seen a few cases with slots for bottom mounted PSU's. Are there any special considerations, or non-obvious pros and cons I need to be aware of before buying something like this?

Length of the power cables and the fact that all of that heat rises into the rest of the case. It's pretty counter productive. There are a small few cases that have it on the bottom in it's own little chamber but really I see no advantage to bottom mount over standard.
I would say no advantage to bottom mounted other than the case comes that way... I have built 3 PCs with bottom mounted PSUs and never had heating issues(cable length not an issue either) ==> course all 3 had chimmney fans too and basically a very cooling solutions..
Which case are you looking at??
The antec 300 is the one that made me ask the question. I'm just looking for a cheap mid case. It just seems that with the PSU on the bottom, if it has a bottom fan port it wouldn't get a lot of airflow. So I was curious if there was anything else I should think about.
i have a corei7 oc'd to 3.6ghz with ONE front case fan atm and i haven't had a single problem with heat. Im using a corsair 750 psu.

cpu idles aroudn 40c and load around 70, another front fan would prolly drop that a few degrees. as far as the psu goes, these temps are about avg for most people from what i've seen so i can't see that my psu is causing any extra heat concerns.

using the antec 300 btw