Bluetooth Headsets

I forget which one I had, but it was small and lightweight and used a single AAA battery. It was about $60 and worked well. Too bad it (and my phone) didn't do mp3 over bt or else I would have kept it.

It was a moto...don't remember the model number.
Jabra BT250v

It is by far the best headset I've ever come across, and the fact that it doesn't sit like some gay ass box on your ear is fucking awsome. It loops behind the ear, fits REALLY well, and sounds great. But yeah, it doesn't look all gay when you have it on. It also has vibrate for incoming calls (which is ok, I don't use it.)

Oh and for all you morons who HATE headsets, I swear to god the next time you're driving around talking on your phone, I hope you die.

That is the reason I have one, is for driving. The one above doesn't look half as gay on your head as a box sticking out of your ear, and it sounds 10x's better.

And for the rest of you idiots.... Jack Bauer wears the Jabra BT250v, is Jack gay?

thanks, dv. I was looking at that one actually. I have read that the sound isn't top notch though on it. That's basically all I care about. The volume and clarity.
DwarfVader said:
Jabra BT250v

It is by far the best headset I've ever come across, and the fact that it doesn't sit like some gay ass box on your ear is fucking awsome. It loops behind the ear, fits REALLY well, and sounds great. But yeah, it doesn't look all gay when you have it on. It also has vibrate for incoming calls (which is ok, I don't use it.)


You can get to your g-spot with that too.
DwarfVader said:
Oh and for all you morons who HATE headsets, I swear to god the next time you're driving around talking on your phone, I hope you die.[/img]

I'll give you the car.
rukkus said:
thanks, dv. I was looking at that one actually. I have read that the sound isn't top notch though on it. That's basically all I care about. The volume and clarity.

The sound is LOUD, seriously its WAY louder then any headset I've ever used.

And the clarity is fine, I've never had a problem.

Honestly, because of the way it fits in your ear its REALLY loud. The rubber piece (there are 2 types, large and small.) They fit IN your ear, I use the large model.

Its really nice, one of the things you'll like about it, is how it fits. I swear to god I got drop tackled by a buddy of mine the other day after I got to his place. Headset never moved.
DwarfVader said:
Jabra BT250v

It is by far the best headset I've ever come across, and the fact that it doesn't sit like some gay ass box on your ear is fucking awsome. It loops behind the ear, fits REALLY well, and sounds great. But yeah, it doesn't look all gay when you have it on. It also has vibrate for incoming calls (which is ok, I don't use it.)

Approximate price? I bought the first version of this a couple years ago, and it was around $99. I bought a Motorola since and don't like it nearly as much.
i have the motorola HS820 cause it was 20 bucks. not the best headset around IMO but the sound quality is good enough for what i need it for (mainly, in the car)
I'm still using a $15 belkin wired headset cuz I can listen to mp3s through it while shopping or walking around.

Waiting in the grocery store line isn't half as painful when you're listening to music you like. Then you just look at the hot girls on the magazines, and it's a little slice of private heaven.
Well since this thread is stupid, I'll ask a real question:

What do I need to use the Bluetooth compatibility on my Razr?

Will one of those USB Bluetooth adapters work? Anyone have any experience with this?

I basically just want to be able to transfer files onto my phone with minimal effort.
JohnnyX said:
Well since this thread is stupid, I'll ask a real question:

What do I need to use the Bluetooth compatibility on my Razr?

Will one of those USB Bluetooth adapters work? Anyone have any experience with this?

I basically just want to be able to transfer files onto my phone with minimal effort.

Yes, that is all you should need to utilize bluetooth capabilities between your PC and phone. ( I just picked up a couple for me and the wife for 9.99 w/free shipping.)

And honestly, from what I've found. There isn't much difference between the super expensive 80$ adapters and the 15$ adapter with no name.
JohnnyX said:
Well since this thread is stupid, I'll ask a real question:

What do I need to use the Bluetooth compatibility on my Razr?

Will one of those USB Bluetooth adapters work? Anyone have any experience with this?

I basically just want to be able to transfer files onto my phone with minimal effort.
Yea, I just hacked my e815 to do this. If your razr is a verizon one, you'll have to find out how to hack it yourself.

It's really easy. Just buy a bluetooth usb adapter and install it. Set your phone to 'discoverable', (menu -> settings -> connection -> bluetooth link -> setup -> find me) and then tell your computer to search for local bluetooth devices. Both the comp and the phone will ask for a pin, put the same number in both. They'll be paired then, and you can do OBEX file transfers.