bloomberg shows his true colors lol

That's the attitude that led to the current situation where niggers rape 100 White women every, single, day and commit nearly all interracial crime. Rich niggers turn out like Bill Cosby, a drugging rape ape.
he was a doctor

huck yuck yuck

what u got?


why u mad?
that "study" was published by this group, which I assume you knew going in
New Century Foundation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

surprise its a white supremacist group

So, looking at the wiki citations; they are being called white supremacists by the Southern Poverty Law Center, and anti-semiitic by the ADL. You realize these are both attack dog groups used to silence political opposition to political progressivism and political Israeli zionism respectively. They both also wrecklessy label people such as Ron Paul or Noam Chomsky as racists and anti-semites, and groups who oppose for example gay marriage as being extremist or hate groups. You may have heard about the SPLC recently, because they had to issue a formal apology to Ben Carson for listing him on their "Extremist list" as being anti-LGBT, alongside KKK and neo-Nazi leaders, simply for not supporting gay marriage due to his religious beliefs.

The FBI dumps a 'hate group' - Washington Times
'Shocked' Anti-Defamation League slaps FBI 'diss on hate crimes |
SPLC | Ben Carson
List of organizations designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eggi doesn't care, as long as his commie agenda is being opposed it's "White supremacy" or whatever. The jew system works so that if you oppose them, you are automatically mentally ill. There's literally no legitimate reason to oppose this current state of affairs. Maybe you haven't thought about it like this, but start paying attention from now on. It's pretty eye opening when you look for it.
Blacks live downtown so they can sponge off gubiment. They don't need a car, everything is given to them. There are race maps that clearly show blacks invade every major city. Segregation exists, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and Whites live in different areas. Whites move to the suburbs to get away from the bad neighborhoods. With the internet today, whites know where these areas are and stay away. Even if whites want to live in a black neighborhood, they are called racist and asked why they want to improve a black neighborhood.

Another article talking about blacks going through the justice system.
Confessions of a Public Defender | American Renaissance
So, looking at the wiki citations;

LMAO are you fucking kidding me?

did you read the first paragraph of the entry? the founder claims they are white separatists and advocates segregation.

Although I am sure absent hates him because he wants to partner with jews and thinks asians are genetically superior in intelligence.
LMAO are you fucking kidding me?

did you read the first paragraph of the entry? the founder claims they are white separatists and advocates segregation.

Although I am sure absent hates him because he wants to partner with jews and thinks asians are genetically superior in intelligence.

Kind of a major difference between white supremacism and his self-described 'white seperatism.' One group believes in white dominance over other racial groups, the other believes that races/ethnicities live more peacefully when segregated. This, I suppose, is still considered racial extremism if you're a cultural marxist. However, many studies suggest causal relationships between population homogeneity and crime rates, so it does at least have a scientific basis. But let's just lump the two together because it's easier to call somebody a racist or anti-semite than it is to actually disprove their argument. This is why the SPLC and ADL exists--so people like you can silence a debate without actually participating.
The ADL exists because Leo Frank raped and murdered a prepubescent White girl and the jews didn't want him to be subject to goy justice.
This, I suppose, is still considered racial extremism if you're a cultural marxist.


the point is that the guy has an agenda in which he believes race (ie genetics) is by and far the primary driver of crime and has drawn conclusions from loose correlations based on those beliefs when any educated person understands correlation does not equal causation.

It is unfortunate that studies that focus on the role genetics play in things like intelligence & crime are so political, because prudent use of scientific, peer reviewed studies could drive responsible policy decisions, but to buy into a paper published by a 'white separatist' group which draws broad conclusions without scrutinizing potential causes (namely cultural - esp family upbringing) that have nothing to do with race is intellectually dishonest.

This is why the SPLC and ADL exists--so people like you can silence a debate without actually participating.

There's plenty of science on race but commies like you made it a taboo topic. For example, the standard for what constitutes a retard had to be moved (the goalposts thing again, usual leftism) because 50+% of niggers have an IQ less than 85. They're retards. Our social policies are entirely based on the false premise that niggers are just as capable as Whites when there is exactly zero evidence for it. It's funny seeing completely whacked out loonies like Eggi calling for "non political" study on genetics when they're the ones who politicized it because jews wanted to use niggers as a biological weapon against Whites.
its interesting to note what posters refuse to look at things from another viewpoint because they're either sheltered or fear losing their job for their opinions

really tragic
People like Eggi aren't independent thinkers. All they've heard all their lives is that niggers are wonderful equals and to say anything else is the ultimate sin i.e. racism. Since they can't formulate their own thoughts, this is what they regurgitate. It's a religious thing, real world observations or studies have nothing to do with what they think of something. It's all feeling based.
the point is that the guy has an agenda in which he believes race (ie genetics) is by and far the primary driver of crime and has drawn conclusions from loose correlations based on those beliefs when any educated person understands correlation does not equal causation.

Wow, you are referencing hearsay from wikipedia, that is quoted directly from an ADL article that doesn't even substantiate its viewpoint. It says for instance: "He views Asians generally as genetically superior in intelligence to whites.." What the heck does 'generally' mean? It doesn't actually give any examples or evidence of him saying anything to the tune of claiming genetic racial differences. I did find this quote on one of the citations: "I think Asians are objectively superior to Whites by just about any measure that you can come up with in terms of what are the ingredients for a successful society." Is that supposed to be the equivalent of saying Asians are genetically superior to whites? Substantiate your shit if you are going to post completely biased sources like SPLC/ADL.

It is unfortunate that studies that focus on the role genetics play in things like intelligence & crime are so political, because prudent use of scientific, peer reviewed studies could drive responsible policy decisions, but to buy into a paper published by a 'white separatist' group which draws broad conclusions without scrutinizing potential causes (namely cultural - esp family upbringing) that have nothing to do with race is intellectually dishonest.

Why are you deadset on assuming that these studies have anything to do with genetics? If a study shows there is more crime in heterogeneous societies, that would be supportive of his 'seperatist' argument regardless of whether it has do to with genetic differences or socioeconomic differences not related to genetics. I'm assuming the only difference is that if you say it is based on genetics, you can use that to instantly discredit the source, since any sort of claims of genetic differences between races is scientific taboo. Pretty sure the study I linked made no such claim and was produced by Cal-Berkeley.
its interesting to note what posters refuse to look at things from another viewpoint because they're either sheltered or fear losing their job for their opinions

really tragic

speaking of being intellectually dishonest

eggi demands that you have to take an entirely neutral and non-political stance on a hot topic issue like race....which he knows is impossible by his own double standards and sjw beliefs.

he would be more honest with us if he simply posted this instead.

that smells racist....

I'm assuming the only difference is that if you say it is based on genetics, you can use that to instantly discredit the source, since any sort of claims of genetic differences between races is scientific taboo. Pretty sure the study I linked made no such claim and was produced by Cal-Berkeley.

wut? huh? ok?


y come it cant be both nature and nurture

give 1000 nigger people their own plot of land fully paid for with free education food heathcare etc and the challenge goal that they must become as smart as they possibly can over the span of 30 years

do u think the nigger colony will not use that time to become educate?

who knows. this has never been done before and we dont know? instead we judge them based off their societies recovering from the white man occupation of their african lands and american culture recovering from slavery and the rest of the world recovering from american and british imperialism

we do not judge them on babylon tho and babylon is important
yes its possible. need a starting sample of about a million though... and several generations.

the imperialism (and slavery) excuses dont fly either since the rest of the world were victims and they seem to be doing fine now.