[Blizzcon]Some dude broke his leg on stage doing the undead male dance


Veteran XV
So this guy gets on stage and he's the only one doing the undead male dance. Everything just seemed off right from start...

He had sort of a hunched back, I wanted to believe that he was just acting or had something back there...but it really was his back.

If you dont know the undead male dance is basically a guy rockin out.
YouTube - Undead Dance Male!

The music starts and I forget what they were playing but it was not rocking out...he starts to jump and fail headbang. He jumps again and falls to the ground. People felt sorry and clapped, he got back up and started again. He jumps a 2nd time and falls. This time he stays down...Jay Mohr comes out and asks wsup and realizes his leg is broken. 4 guys come out and haul him off stage.

no video of it yet that I can find...here's a pic though.

tl;dr - guy goes on stage in front of 20,00 people and directTV...breaks his leg in his dance. gets carried off stage.