blizzard is dead

epic did it by licensing out their unreal engine. which has since made far more $$$ for them than building their own games + keeping it private would have.

same idea blizz could try with the wow platform... game is slowly dying anyway so why not.

that seems more of an expanding revenue now that the peak has been met instead of closing shop for others to take over but i get what you guys are saying.
The most obvious sign that Blizz had gone Full Jew Gold Mode was the Diablo 3 real money auction house (May 2012). They never recovered.

I had already written them off with what they did to SC2, the D3 auction house stuff made me vow to never give them another cent again. Never did never will.

oh well
honestly the real auction house seemed like a way where they could cash in on the black market item trading and protect the people who kept buying it. It obviously blew up in their face but it seemed to be a decent attempt at stopping idiots paying 1k for bows and then getting ripped.
they also made it so u can spend in-game gold to buy subscription time in wow and vice versa, effectively nuking chinas black market gold spammers
The only good thing about the Real Money Auction House was that it broke the Diablo 3 ecosystem so badly that it forced them to redesign the system without the RMAH or no one would have bought their expansion or anything else Diablo related.
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gg HOTS... ofc i called it since release :)

hots put on maintenance
esports side told to fk off without warning
fat gay wrestler

same from ginger santa

expect the same with overwatch soon
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ya if blizz never sold out to the gingerjew itd be most glorius game company empire right now. makin much more $$$ too... jewing out may pay out short term, but it ruins long term

aka fk wall street
Blizzard changed so much.

Their name doesn't mean anything anymore.

I don't play any of their games at all. Haven't for a very long time.

IMO all their games suck now and anything you would want to play that they have there is better stuff out there.

LOL or DOTA2 > HoTs

Tons of shooters > Overwatch

Eternal > Hearthstone

Nobody plays RTS anymore > Starcraft 2

Only thing they have going for them is WoW-Crack

That is some sort of heroin formula that apparently works. Good for them.
gg HOTS... ofc i called it since release :)

hots put on maintenance
esports side told to fk off without warning
fat gay wrestler

same from ginger santa

expect the same with overwatch soon

Pro Tip: No matter what anyone tells you, 'Esports' is not a fucking career choice.
Lol even fishdicks got fired from his job doing esports with his dad cucking 4 him

What a joke of a career if your over 20 and involved
i thought he was just a twitch nerd... thats not exactly esports. maybe he got canned cuz twitch turned into a softcore chatterbait and it wasnt virgin enuf for him.

and sports anything isnt really a career choice.
Or the fact that he was awkward and incompetent (prob autism) at shoutcasting idk but either way im not banking on esports career lulz thats some cuck level shit
Blizzard changed so much.

Their name doesn't mean anything anymore.

I don't play any of their games at all. Haven't for a very long time.

IMO all their games suck now and anything you would want to play that they have there is better stuff out there.

LOL or DOTA2 > HoTs

Tons of shooters > Overwatch

Eternal > Hearthstone

Nobody plays RTS anymore > Starcraft 2

Only thing they have going for them is WoW-Crack

That is some sort of heroin formula that apparently works. Good for them.

even wow has been on a major decline for ages down, its been on semi maintenance mode since titan project started.
So much for "the market will sort itself," or does that only work for things in which you aren't interested?
Though.. is it a sustainable career? doubtful

Supposedly your twitch (no pun intended) reflex responses diminish severely by the age of 30 or so. So it's kind of like real sports in that regard (athletic ability going downhill after 30) only you haven't made millions to retire on by the time you're a has-been. :weird:
He walked into the cemetery, a bouquet of flowers in his hand. No big ideas today; he just wanted to say a few words.

He set the roses on the ground, then stood up. "You were a visionary, a legend. Someone that kids like me and Ferb could look up to. You invented things that entertained us and made out lives better. The iMac, the iPod, the iPhone, the iPad." He smiled. "Ferb alone has two iPads, one that he uses for his blueprints. You were a legend Steve Jobs."

"And you will be sorely missed."

He looked up. "Ferb, you came."

"I had to pay my respects." Ferb put an arm around his brother, looking towards the tombstone. "Rest in peace."

"We'll miss you."