Blackwater founder is creating a merc battalion for the UAE


Veteran XX

The full article is 5 pages long.

- Recruited from Columbia and South Africa (non-Muslim areas that have seen conflict) no Muslims in case they're required to kill them.

- Some legal questions arise stateside when you're an American citizen training foreign troops without explicit permission.

- Men are kept tightly confined and forbidden from outside contact, aside from the regular visits to the movies or prostitutes. Mitchdubai is believed to be working as a 'morale officer.'

- Could be used for suppression of an 'Arab Spring' uprising though they were formed before it all began.

- Main use seems to be as an assault force against Iran, most likely on a chain of uninhabited Iran-garrisoned islands that could have oil.

- Planned force strength is an 800 man battalion, could go up to a brigade of several thousand after they 'prove themselves in a real world mission.'

Read the article this morning, will be pretty interesting to see how the whole army for hire thing works out once they start setting up fully functional battalions.
I love it when shit like this goes down, because you know for sure that in a decade or so there'll be a glut of kill-and-tell biographies from people on the circuit, and that stuff is always fun to read
sigh ... cant wait to see how fox spins this as free market in action ... knowing them they wont even report on it
Mostly American special forces/previous military training other countries' soldiers...

Nope, don't support that in the slightest.
Has he had any issues with the State Department because of it?

I don't think so. At least, I haven't heard him mention it. I don't actually talk to him a lot now that hes there. I doubt hes allowed to mention much of it though I know he said hes making mid 6 figures now.

I always wondered what the feds would think of a trained ex-soldier guarding another countries royalty.

I don't think so. At least, I haven't heard him mention it. I don't actually talk to him a lot now that hes there. I doubt hes allowed to mention much of it though I know he said hes making mid 6 figures now.

I always wondered what the feds would think of a trained ex-soldier guarding another countries royalty.


They make a lot, but I call bullshit on mid 6 figures unless he was a pilot or something.