BitLocker alternatives


Veteran X
I want something like BitLocker for my home pc and laptop (mostly for my laptop), so that in case it gets stolezd no-one can hack my gibson.

I have a genuine copy of Home Premium for which Microsoft didn't deem necessary to include BitLocker. So, what are some solid alternatives. Free/open source would be awesome as long as it was reliable and easy, but I would be willing to pay for this software as well.
If someone's going to steal your laptop, how is this supposed to help you? No one cares about your lame files, they're just gonna sell it to the first person they can.
If someone's going to steal your laptop, how is this supposed to help you? No one cares about your lame files, they're just gonna sell it to the first person they can.

On the off chance that the person that steals my laptop is halfway intelligent I would like to be sure that the data stored on my computer is secured. I deal with some work files that I don't want anyone to get their hands on...same with personal files (that I don't really want anyone to read). It's gonna suck enough if my laptop gets stolen. I don't want to have to worry about personal info being lost.
truecrypt looks promising

What are the odds that I accidentally lock myself out of my own stuff with this kinda of encryption stuff? That would be hysterical (except not).
Does on-the-fly encryption bog down the computer? I'd imagine that decrypting and encrypting on the fly would hog some cpu.
you probably don't want to play video games from it, but make a 2nd partition and put your sensitive stuff there or whatever. I use it on my external drive since theoretically anyone could walk away with it easily if they were in my place, and I've got proprietary stuff on it for a small business I'm working on. I don't use it very much, just to back up for the most part, but I don't notice it taking longer than usual or anything.
Having used Bitlocker I'm not sure how it's supposed to keep your data secure. The only time you have to use the key to boot into the OS is when system files change (like after and update) or when the HDD is in a different system. Otherwise you just boot into the OS as normal and everything is unencrypted.