Bitcoins suffer their first setback


though apparently this was in canada or something and this town has a provision allowing these kinds of searches specifically around uncovering grow-ops.

Yep, they charge you over $5000 for the inspection if they think you have a grow-op. If you don't have one, you're still out the money.
Yep, they charge you over $5000 for the inspection if they think you have a grow-op. If you don't have one, you're still out the money.

tell me you aren't this dumb or lacking in commonsense.

ANYWAYS, all these stupid laws do is make up for lazy cops who can't be bothered to do an actually investigation, and would rather just step on someone's Charter of Rights.
This is the only kind of thing that makes me detest cops, their willingness to let ends justify means.
This is why people buy generators and exhaust them into their furnace chimney. The cops are too cheap to fly around in choppers with IR these days because their budgets are being cut.
a stupid currency that some meber was telling us to all invest in

< vet5

And bitcoins aren't really meant to be obtained as a main source through mining, it's really just payment for running the payment verification network. It's setup so whoever does the most processing gets paid more often. If you want bitcoins its much easier to just buy them with cash.
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What are bitcoins for?

Anonymous "traceless" ecurrency.

Although you cannot generally purchase anything w/ bitcoins directly (though this market is starting to grow) it is easy to trade into other more popular ecurrencies, (liberty reserve anyone?)

Its a great way to add a layer of obfuscation to a money trail. Its how most of the carding and malware/bot herders move money around.