Bitcoins are currently $106.7744 each.

So hit 140$ just now.
also don't mine BTC, mine LTC they have now 10 times more "perceived value" than they did a week ago, and their ratio to USD is sky rocketing (also blockchain is much newer, so miners are reporting huge profits of even 1k/day)
LTC at 4.5$ now.

EDIT: by new blockchain, I mean the difficulty is much lower than in BTC mining.
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maybe theyre hard to obtain because everyone is ordering them

do you have one? no
and when you GET one... it wont be nearly as profitable

maybe youll even make a little. good for you. but it wont last

cur·rent [kur-uhnt, kuhr-]
passing in time; belonging to the time actually passing: the current month.

triple, you're quite delusional if you think you can make any considerable amount of cash trough mining.

ASIC miners are so unprofitable there's an 8 month wait to get one.. right..

TP's Bitcoin Calculator

Plug in 30,000 MH/s (that's the $650 ASIC miner.)

See what happens.

Earnings	฿                	$
Hourly	0.093886	10.902953
Daily	2.253258	261.670879
Weekly	15.772808	1831.696151
Monthly	67.597747	7850.126364
Annual	822.439256	95509.870757
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holy shit.

I think the ceiling is way higher than anyone thought. I think everyone had a mental block about $100+, but once it hit it, it's gone.

Need to see a little larger picture here, when they blockchain is mined dry there will be 21 million BTC. For 21 million of anything to have any influence on the economy one units value must be pretty high. at 100$ a piece the impact of BTCs to economy is not very large (total value of all bitcoins being 2.1 billion. which bill gates himself could buy out without even breaking his bank).

To really be a political and economical factor in shaping our future the value needs to be 100 or even 1000 times bigger. If worlds economy is taking a huge dump like it seems to be (especially here in europe) and people get tired of bailing out private banks, I don't see any reason why bitcoins would hit 1k before the end of the year (like you predicted) and in next 5 years 10k .

Of course US government could fuck this up in quite many ways as would big private banks. Don't really care either way, I've made enough money of this to plan a 2-months scuba diving & climbing vacation on Asia.
well, 21 million won't happen for like 150 years. Who knows if we'll even be using computers by then.. actually, "we" won't be doing anything.
So what happened with that thing a few weeks back where there was some issue that they overlooked that messed everything up

Did any people lose money (bitcoins) into thin air on that ordeal, or was everything 100% resolved?
I would buy the 60GH/s right now if I could get one this week.

I dont want to spend $1200 to wait a few months and find it useless
So hit 140$ just now.
also don't mine BTC, mine LTC they have now 10 times more "perceived value" than they did a week ago, and their ratio to USD is sky rocketing (also blockchain is much newer, so miners are reporting huge profits of even 1k/day)
LTC at 4.5$ now.

EDIT: by new blockchain, I mean the difficulty is much lower than in BTC mining.
LTC consumes more power than BTC
So what happened with that thing a few weeks back where there was some issue that they overlooked that messed everything up

Did any people lose money (bitcoins) into thin air on that ordeal, or was everything 100% resolved?

There was a fork in the chain caused by one version of the software accepting a mined block that wasn't compatible with another version that many people were running, so one continued on what it considered a valid blockchain and the other version had a different blockchain. It was caught almost immediately, notifications went out to miners and vendors on what to do to correct the blockchain and to not accept transactions until it was resolved. There was a 3-5 hour window where the price dropped about 15-20% as people paniced and it had fully recovered within 12 hours. Most of North America slept through it.

Miners who received bitcoins on what became the "orphaned" blockchain were compensated by the BTC developers from a fund they had set aside for something(I'm not sure what it was originally intended for). There was one public occurance of a double spend which was resolved shortly thereafter.
and soon that will be pointless when everyone is asic mining
Everyone has a video card, not everyone is going to spend $1000 on an ASIC for mining BTC that's not good for anything else. The few that do will make their money back early.
Everyone has a video card, not everyone is going to spend $1000 on an ASIC for mining BTC that's not good for anything else. The few that do will make their money back early.

until they hear shit like "you can make back your $ in 3 days" lol