Bitcoin Surge

What's the best way to buy gold? 1oz coins? Not sure what I'd do with 1kg bricks or something
When the dollar goes bust and the world is running on l33t crypto currencies, why will precious metals matter?
What's the best way to buy gold? 1oz coins? Not sure what I'd do with 1kg bricks or something

imo it is 1 oz coins

the reason i say that is because most brick and other forms of bullion have to be tested and lab verified before selling/trading. so many scams of people plating and drilling and filling them with everything from lead to tungsten and getting away with it.

also purity tests........90%, 99.9%, etc

the coins are so standardized and with perforated edges you can tell if someone has been scraping them for scrap gold too. they are far less often successfully counterfeited, because of size, and the test to see if they are real or fake is very quick and far simpler imo

only issue is the overhead costs per coin can be kinda high @ $40 per coin or higher......any legit place will buy them from you at spot price
I'd buy from a bank so I don't have to deal with worrying about authenticity or purity, they're 99.9%
ok, ok, since we have some people who obviously think about this stuff

anyone know why gold prices suck so bad but crpyto is going out of sight?

i mean both are fixed non-fiat.

imo gold is screwed because for every ounce of real gold that exists, that someone digs up, there are 100's if not thousands of ounces of ETF gold that simply does not exist but is being sold anyways.

i mean with 100 to 1k in leveraging like that it is as bad as stocks and the dollar at some point.

Gold Manipulation Explained | Sunshine Profits

i mean this is a common thing we have all become accustomed to at this point

it is getting so bad that lawsuits happen just about daily because of it

Libor rigging: US banks file $400 billion claim - Business Insider

i just wonder what will make bitcoin exempt from this now that it too is traded on the commodity market and it too will become exposed to the same stupid scams.

i mean as long as dollars can be printed, are theoretically infinite, and dollars are traded for finite gold and bitcoin the game will go on and on

i mean the only reason they didn't make gold go lower than 1200 an ounce again is because at some point gold refiners and excavators shut down shop at around 1k an ounce. there are already suggestions that there is more demand for physical gold, not gold IRAs, ETFs, etc, than demands can be filled. That if you buy in bulk you are going to be waiting a good amount of time..........etc, etc

it is a crazy game and I am glad that we have some content to read on this that is worth reading finally.
I'd buy from a bank so I don't have to deal with worrying about authenticity or purity, they're 99.9%

i do love them 1oz maple leafs

with the young queen on them, not the old one

because ewwwwwwwwwwwwww


and even legit vendors got conned by this scam

so buyer always beware
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what something is "worth" is real tricky right now

i mean platinum is 4x rarer than gold

yet the price of platinum coins per oz is less than gold

that makes no sense

a bitcoin @ 10x the price of an ounce of gold

uhhhhhhh....i don't know about that

but i also don't know wtf the real price of gold should be

played with that for several hours using real inflation rate since 1913 FED was created and that put me @ 900 an ounce ballpark.....about what i am reading it costs, on average, to pull an ounce of gold out of the ground and refine it down to 99.99% purity after labor, fuel, equipment

but since the real rates of inflation are pretty much garbage, i can see 10-20% of everything i need to survive (non-electronics, silly non-essential shit) that price says gold is the cheapest thing i can buy out there

and don't get me started on silver which might be the one investment that i have zero hope for..........that i couldn't feel less ambitious over and is worse idea than buying penny stocks or off branded silly named cryptos

i am not even looking to make money anymore off my money


i just don't want this

i mean i'm not newton or tesla and them dudes died broke as fuck
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Its worth is subjective just like anything else. Gold is just a brand and the yellow metal is its logo. The real question is if/when the global markets collapse and the dollar (and other currencies?) goes to shit, will people still subjectively assign value to it?

Gold has historically survived all sorts of recessions and depressions and societal collapses, so there's always that.
only thing i know

is that since humans first started trading

the very first signs of western civilization began

since even civilization began

gold has been worth more than something

it was worth a lot and whoever had the most made the rules

ran shit

and i'm ok with that going forward too
only thing i know

is that since humans first started trading

the very first signs of western civilization began

since even civilization began

gold has been worth more than something

it was worth a lot and whoever had the most made the rules

ran shit

and i'm ok with that going forward too
Does the digital age change that?
my issue with bitcoin......which others can address or not

it still depends on westernized infrastructure

i mean not only is internet barely reliable (in more rural america anyways)

our energy infrastructure even less so

What Life Is Like For A Million People In Puerto Rico Who Still Dont Have Power | Zero Hedge

i mean with or without a hurricane this was going to be their outcome

PR was bankrupt and crumbling down long before they got hit........they are nothing but of money blowing retards, with sub 70 IQ, who like Venezuela to Argentina can't be trusted to keep even doors and windows on their homes

Puerto Rico's debt-plagued power grid was on life support long before hurricanes wiped it out

as that pretty much becomes our future and fate as africa and mexico fill our urban areas, bankrupt our state and city governments, the same thing is to be expected all over the USA as well

As it all goes to shit, which it inevitably will, we are all banking on and hedging on how quick and how soon......

and we worry about Net Neutrality...........LOLOLO

Power companies expect recovery from historic storm to take days - Portland Press Herald

i mean half a state going without power is almost the new norm now
Yep that's a valid concern with crypto

The internet is open, until it isn't. Good luck doing fuck all with your BTC if the gov decides you can't play any more. Or worse, the infrastructure crashes entirely.
oh for sure

i mean there are so many wild cards yet to be played

if people think the global central banks are just going to roll over and lose control over people and the idea of money (not to mention complete control over it) they have another thing coming
what something is "worth" is real tricky right now

i mean platinum is 4x rarer than gold

yet the price of platinum coins per oz is less than gold

that makes no sense

a bitcoin @ 10x the price of an ounce of gold

1 bitcoin is totally arbitrary as a unit, no reason to compare 1 bitcoin to 1 oz of gold
1 bitcoin is totally arbitrary as a unit, no reason to compare 1 bitcoin to 1 oz of gold

i am just saying what i would pay for it

what it is worth to me

no way in hell i would trade 10 oz of gold for 3/5 of 1 bitcoin

never ever ever ever......

but the same could be said for a 4 million dollar mobile home on coast in Malibu, CA

Will This Gorge Mobile Home In Malibu Sell For $4 Million? - Curbed LA

soooo it means little other than just something i think inside my own head

the game goes on without me being a part of it
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