Bill Gates on the Daily Show

The guy's the sterotypical geek and even laughs like it. Probably not the most comfortable when it comes to casual, public, social situations.

Oh well :shrug:
My guess was he was nervous as hell (how often does is he interviewed on TV where he doesn't have control?) and so in that nervousness he stood up and at that point he didn't want to look stupid so he walked off to make it look like he was in control.
Usually not until commercial break. That said.. who gives a shit? Oh my god the guy stood up and started walking off... end of the world.
I didn't think it came across as weird or anything. Big deal he got up and left, he's just not used to doing TV stuff. I'm sure he's used to being in business meetings where you say goodbye, shake hands, and get up and leave. That's what it seemed like to me.
i pressed the f12 didn't do anything :(

he needs to buy the Tribes IP, then he will have jetpacks
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He did much better than I would expect him to. He is getting better at this stuff.

Anyone see him dance with Napoleon Dynamite?
Gates is in a few parodies that are only shown to msft employees. If you read their blogs they sometimes mention these. They are put on by the management and shit. Some are supposed to be really funny.
It's a widley held belief that Gates has a mild case of Asperger's syndrome which causes him to be percieved awkward like that because he can't always pick up on social cues and can't emulate them