Big really needs to be banned


Veteran X
I dont know what he hasnt done to get banned, he needs at least a week ban...

he's fucked up my thread, acting like a complete faggit, biased against everything i say... I've seen people get banned doing alot less harm that he does.

edit: he didnt really descriminated, more biased to everything everyone says. But i still think he needs a cool down period though.
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why do i always see you crying like a little baby
oh, its because you are one
shut your fucking mouth bitch and get on yo knees
or go fuck a kangaroo
Elantrix said:
I dont know what he hasnt done to get banned, he needs at least a week ban...

he's fucked up my thread, acting like a complete faggit, discriminating to me because im an aussie... I've seen people get banned doing alot less harm that he does.

last I heard they banned smurfs
shut up retards
thanks for fucking up my thread, acting like a retart, wasting everyones time in TW flaming your F4$ type additude and your biased comments on everything that's said.

I wouldnt be wasting my time telling you like a little kid what your doing wrong, but when you start to insult everybody of TW is crossing the line of ignorance.
He is a git.. but he hasn't done anything banable yet that I have seen. If he does break a forum rule feel free to pm me with a link to it.
ElantriX, you sound like a little bitch, and when you do that on TW you're crossing the line of ignorance. retart!
i think you are continously owning yoruself because you misuse the sunny smiley
hows that for being a faggot, faggot?