BF 2142 scrapped jetpacks idea...


Veteran XV

During this process, we began to address the problem of boarding the enemy Titan. One obvious solution was giving each soldier a jet pack. This would certainly solve the boarding issue, but we felt it would harm the solid infantry versus infantry combat we wanted. For example: imagine a fire fight where those on the losing end could just decide to zip off into the sky when they felt things were going badly. We wanted a solution that would keep soldiers on the ground, fighting each other from street to street.

Then you fucking MA or snipe them out of the air damnit!

What a piss weak excuse.

"We realised that people might actually use the jet pack as it was intended and have therefore decided to scrap it."
SINep said:
They have a super jump pack. You jump FAR.

BF2142 Dev Diary said:
After a few experiments, Launch Pods were born. Initially they were simply guns that fired soldiers into the sky. This version led to quite a few memorable playtests where players misjudged the launch angle; at which point we were rewarded by seeing their rag doll bodies sliding down the side of a building.

so instead of giving the player the ultimate freedom in their 'do what you want when you want' sandbox battlefield game, they give us something similar to the jump pads we see in quake..
We wanted a solution that would keep soldiers on the ground, fighting each other from street to street.
I am really getting sick of this street-to-street urban crap. What the hell is wrong with open terrain?
it shows how ignorant they are... if you have inf's on inf's, and one lot has jet packs, they aren't gonna be on the ground, they will be in the air nailing the other guys ass'.
yea, i have to concur... they really don't get it. those battlefield games are interesting for about a week anyway.

why do all FPSs outside tribes suck horribly? oh yea, they aren't tribes :( o well.
Theres no way they can handle jetpacks, the balance issues are immense. Tribes 1 would never of been able to handle jetpacks either, except they got exceptionally lucky b/c of the unforseen advent of skiing and unplanned and rather subtle map features.

If we had been playing the game the way it was meant to be played (think scarabrae in early tribes final) every offense in the game after 5 months would have been shut out every single time. Can you imagine trying to cap against 5150 by just jetting and running? Forget about it. If you are not going mach 5 *and* distracting, then its game over.

I really don't even think people imagined people could get so good at MAing
Then people are gonna say blah blah blah first time I've ever seen a jetpack ingame! Fucking shit heads!