Best Smiles ever.

They are special alright. There is nothing quite like creating them, watching them turn into little monsters, keeping them safe, cleaning all the shit, doing everything and watching them go off into the world.
When I worked in the ski resorts, I won an end of year award for having the cheesiest grin on the mountain :sunny:

so I guess mine may either be horrific or good, it's hard to tell

Liz Phair always had a nice one, it's best in motion though, most of her photos appear a bit forced.

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When I worked in the ski resorts, I won an end of year award for having the cheesiest grin on the mountain :sunny:

so I guess mine may either be horrific or good, it's hard to tell

Liz Phair always had a nice one, it's best in motion though, most of her photos appear a bit forced.


I'm unsure. I liked her music, and always thought she was hot in a lez sort of way, but I'll have to see a video of her smiling before I throw her in with The Rock.

I'm not sure Amy Lee of Evanescence or Joan Jett have ever smiled once.
when a woman bares her teeth @ me like that, i feel threatened like as if i'm in the jungle and i am left with no choice but 2 open fire, reload and open fire again if she keeps moving
it's a very unconventional, left-field kinda nomination, I'll pay that. It's a good smile though. Not game-show-host manicured fake nonsense or anything, but genuine and fun. I like it. Goes with the whole 'insanely quirky' thing she's built a career on.
'insanely quirky'

describes the loony losers of this world
the useful idiots that vote DimRinos
Everyone deserves to smile. If it's not fake, it means times are good. Who doesn't like a good time? Surround yourself with genuine smiles and it won't be long before you have one too.