Best Buy sold me blank DVD+R-DLs with porn on them.


Veteran X
So I stopped at BestBuy the other day to grab an Xbox 360 for a buddy, and a 15 pack of blank Verbatim DVD+R-DL to burn games on.

I get home and slap a blank DVD in my drive, and it pops up with the usual Vista pop-up asking me what I'd like to do with the disc I just put in, only this time it asks if I want to play the DVD in WMP or whatever. So thinking "WTF" I press ok, and sure enough... there is a giant cock going in and out of some bitches mouth.

I look at the rest of the stack, and the first two in the stack are indeed Verbatims, but they aren't empty... the rest are all various types of blank dvds, and cdrs.

I've read stories of this type of shit happening to people before, but never thought they were real, or that it would happen to me. Luckily my 9 year old wasn't sitting next to me when I popped the DVD in. Weird shit. The packaging was all intact and stuff too, someone must have very carefully oipened it by peeling the wrapping off, and returned it like this.

I should have made a big deal out of it when I returned it, asked to speak with a manager and all that, but I was in hurry to get this xbox done for a friend, so I just grabbed a new stack and left.

Anyone ever have anything like this happen to them?
I'd say keep em, but you did pay for them, and paying for porn is just dumb.
I am kind of mad at myself for just returning them right away and not making a scene or anything.

I thought about ways I could use this to get them to return my Vista I got through Club Live, but like I said... i was in a hurry to get this xbox modded and sold to a buddy.
I bought CDRs from some place once, and the top 3 discs had a Mandrake Linux distro burned on them... This was a shrink wrapped container too.