Berserk fans

Damn, I haven't seen a game trailer that enticing in quite some time. Looks pretty fucking sweet.

And it's being done by Sammy studios? Of Guilty Gear fame? Damn this could be very fucking tight.

Not much info out on it yet. Looks reminiscent of the Dreamcast game in terms of playstyle. Hope they spruce it up a bit, the DC game was fun, but kinda short and basic.

But it is Sammy, so we can hope.
Gameplay sort of looks repetitive, hack slash hack slash (although more hacking than slashing), but I'll buy it anyway. Apparently it's incredibly violent, and you can hack people/monsters in two, hack limbs/heads off, etc. And Gatts's sword is supposed to have a lot of weight to it (as it should).

The scene in the trailer where he guts the ogre with his sword is sweet.