Before internet trolls and weirdos there was Ren & Stimpy

my parents never understood that show. i tried telling them it was the "odd couple" for the younger generation.
the scene where the old man makes them show him their hands and they are squeaky clean and then he shows them his hands and they are crazy looking is burned into my mind.
i loved ren & stimpy as kid. kinda makes me nauseous watching it now though

and stimpy is referred to as a cat in the show by himself and others in several eps. how could you not know that he was a cat?
I still have the R&S comic books 1-20 or so. They probably aren't worth more than .10 each now. Back in the day, #1 was selling for like $50.
My favorite episode was "Fake Son"... atleast I think it was called that.
Daddy hit baby... baby MAD!!! my favorite couch!! my favorite TV... My favorite friend!!!