[BEER SNOBS] What are you drinking?

Killer if you've never had a true sour lambic that Duchesse will be a surprise. I'm not a fan, but some people love them.

I drank some knob creek tonight, but recently I had a Goose Island Bourbon County Stout, which was one of the most complex stouts I've ever had. 13% abv and almost too rich to have a whole bottle alone.
Goose Island

Also had a Riggwelter Yorkshire Ale from the Black Sheep Brewery. It was a damn tasty brown, a bit more hop than most English browns I've had. I bought some more to keep around.
Riggwelter Yorkshire Ale - Black Sheep Brewery PLC - BeerAdvocate
No beer tonight, but one of my favorite LA beer bars just started putting some selections from Dogfishhead brewery on draft. I haven't had that since I moved away from the east coast.
I'm in Utah, so I had a Polygamy Pale Ale. (No joke.)

Polygamy is good, bit to dark for me, along the same vain, i'm drinking

Utah may be ass-backwards when it comes to booze, but we can make some damn fine microbrews

Bounty, if you're gonna be around for a bit, go to the local liquor store and pick up The Devastator by squatters brewery it's an 8% double bock, pretty good.
got a lan tomorrow night, so picked up a carton of


Although drinking home brew tonight.
trout river Scottish Ale.

this is my first time trying this brew from them, and it's a little weird. lots of carbonation, but no head
in my fridge, I currently have a six of Ithaca Flower Power IPA and a six of Smuttynose Shoals Pale Ale.

the prior couple of weeks I had some Southern Tier IPA, Brooklyn Pilsner, a 750ml bottle of Dogfish Head Black & Blue and a 750ml bottle of Westmalle Trapist Tripel.