
Veteran XX
if you are 6'5..the bathroom is empty..and you take the middle urinal in a 3 urinal setup. yah im gonna think you're a weirdo.

carry on
Sounds like our CEO. He also does the "fake wash" where he puts his hands under the water for .02 seconds then uses the hand dryer for .02 seconds and walks out.

Some fucking disgusting slob the other day took a noisy shit next to me then didn't wash his hands at all on his way out...I wish I knew who the fuck it was so I could say something too. Our building is "Leeds Certified" and environmentally friendly so we don't have paper towels to use to open the door after people like the phantom shatter touch the door handles with their shitfingers :(
Sounds like our CEO. He also does the "fake wash" where he puts his hands under the water for .02 seconds then uses the hand dryer for .02 seconds and walks out.

No need to scrub down. You're only washing any piss off your hands, if that, not going to preform open heart surgery.
No need to scrub down. You're only washing any piss off your hands, if that, not going to preform open heart surgery.

You just touched your dick, I don't want to touch you or anything else you touch after you just touched your dick. Scrub your hands good.
Anyone who doesn't wash after using the bathroom is an animal. It's been proven that people that don't wash are actually less intelligent.
You just touched your dick, I don't want to touch you or anything else you touch after you just touched your dick. Scrub your hands good.

People seem to have some kind of phobia of dicks yet they have no problem shaking someone's hand after they've probably been sneezing and coughing into it all day and touching doorknobs that people who've sneezed and coughed into their hand all day have touched.
i actually wash my hands BEFORE i touch my dick.. because i dont want anything that ive touched through out the day to infect my cock.

ya get me?
my dick is cleaner than everything in that bathroom

so i avoid touching anything but my dick, you should all be be so lucky
We do actually kind of need some level of microbes in our systems/lives/bodies/whatever.

Both for digestion and for keeping our immune systems up.
my hands dry out if i wash them every time, fuck that. i use my foot to put up the seat and kick down the flusher, use TP to open/close the door, etc.

also, to the guy bitching about not having paper towels...just bring some TP with you out of the stall if you're that paranoid about it