[BASEBALL] Question - What is the home team win pct. in extra inning games?

Just curious. I can't seem to find this on google, I was wondering if someone knew where to find it.

Basically I want to know, when a game goes into extra innings, what fraction of the time does the home team win and what fraction of the time does the away team win.

Question isn't specific enough. A win is a win. Extra innings don't mean shit.

Uh what? You said it isn't specific enough and then implied it was too specific by saying a win is a win. Which is it?

I just want to know what effect home field advantage has on extra inning games, since the home team can always end the game in their half of the inning and know exactly how many runs they have to score.
this is a totally legitmite question. a win is a win? what the fuck does that even mean? how does that answer the question of whether or not there is an observable advantage for home teams once a game reaches extra innings? i can't figure out the answer either but i'd really like to know.
how can it be a stupid question if none of you know the answer (or appear to even understand the question?)
how can it be a stupid question if none of you know the answer (or appear to even understand the question?)

because even though baseball is big on statistics, this is probably one of the most meaningless statistics you could come up with

and if you found the answer, it would probably work out to 50/50